Disconnected and cant reconnect?

Okay, thank you. I hope they fix at least a few glitches

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Did you also have half your heroes randomly locked? Ive played just fine all day so im confused what happened

Would have been nice for them to disable ranked… I was winning my first ranked match until it DC’d and wouldn’t let me log back in

Think almost everyone did. Only have the option of playing like 7 heros

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So odd to me that with the launch being plagued with so many issues, especially people losing connection to the server, that Ranked is still open. They also need to extend the Battle Pass with all these issues happening.

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We are currently running maintenance on our servers. We hope to be back up at 9:30 PM PDT. (This was postponed from our original projected start time. Apologies for any inconvenience.)

UPDATE: Servers are back online. Enjoy the games!


I hope the full hero roster gets unlocked again. :pray: Thanks for the update, they were running much better today than yesterday

Are you guys fixing the heroes being locked out after the last patch for most people?


Damn, if only this game had community managers, who could post about this stuff and put up pinned posts explaining what’s happening. They could manage the community, perhaps.

It is two hours past the initial maintenance time and this is the first official mention on the forums of it at all.

You have to look in 10 different places for information on this game and you’re lucky if even 3 of them bother to report anything that’s happening at all. Be sure to check all of them, because it’s completely up to chance which ones bother to say anything.


Thanks for keeping us informed. I hope this maintenance helps fix the issue of us suddenly getting locked out of the Heroes.

The trash game is back online

Hey craig! You gonna get high today! Its friday, you aint got nothing to do! No for real you guys are getting so much negativity on this forum. Just know some of us understand the struggle my dude. much respect to you and the network engineers that probably haven’t slept in days lol


twitter ever has the infos lol

I was able to play yesterday and now i’m having the LC-208 error after this maintenance… any update on when this will finally be fixed?


you mean the queues?

Literally nothing changed lmaooooooo

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Login error. Disconnected from game server. (LC-208)

This AGAIN? Are you kidding me, Blizzard?

This is the same error I was getting that prevented me from logging in for TWO AND A HALF DAYS AFTER LAUNCH.

I was able to play a bit last night and a bit earlier today, but now I can’t even login AGAIN.

What the actual hell are you doing over there? Why has this launch been bungled so spectacularly badly?!



He’s not gonna answer that, that would be an actual communication…

Edit: for what it’s worth though my roster is now unlocked again. so it should be ok

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your roster got unlock again?

He is used to it he is a old timer on the forum lol