70% Winrate on My Main

Cherry picking your highest win rates while ignoring your lowest winrates. Pretty stereotypical Overwatch forum complainer.

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My 3 mains:
6 hours @ 70% Ana; games won = 19
5 hours @ 65% Rein; games won = 17
2 hours @ 71% Lucio; games won = 6

If anyone wants to math that out, feel free, I’m not so good with reverse percentages and such.

The rest are <1 hour played due to games with leavers, throwers, or desperation contesting and yes, their “winrates” are mostly atrocious; 50% or lower with a total of 11 wins between them (reasonable guess at 15-18 losses between them?)

Thanks to the people willing to try to explain the imbalance regarding SR change in win vs loss.

The rest of you, blaming my profile and assuming I’m cherry-picking, ya, you’re the types that add to the ravenously cannibalistic attitude of this game’s community; all hopped-up on your egotism and self-appointed “elite” status you’d rather attack than open dialog.

which means that the other heroes you have played a little have a much lower winrate

stats can be misleading. I have a 4.2 KDR on junkrat and my win rate is 45 percent on him…

its win rate wtf are you talking about?

Your overall Winrate is a better indicator. You might have stilled swapped off to often so it doesn’t have to be PBSR/WinChance related

What’s your overall winrate? You want an open dialog? Then have one. Don’t name call because you lack intelligence to understand basic math.

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Winrates are only part of the equation.

It’s like people who say “WTF!?! I won every placement and got placed silver!”

Yeah, you did, because beating bronze and silver players doesn’t make you a diamond player.

Likewise you having those win-rates this season does not mean you deserve to climb or are actually getting better.

You have also left out a very, very important detail

How many hours do those main have on them respectfully?

Switching off messes up the Win Rate Stats to be honest. You don’t want to really look at that too much as it not accurate. But the hero you win the most with is the hero you’ll climb with.

You didn’t even read the rest of that post you just quoted… I posted the stats and you’re still being toxic.

Some lying going on here. We can see it even with your profile hidden.
While your mains have a high win% what about your other heroes.

Just tally up all your wins and minus you losses to find your net wins/losses and you will have a fair idea why you are not climbing, I suspect this number will be close to 50%

Lmao I just checked your profile, your two mains are Hog and Zen im assuming. You have a 50% winrate on both? Sooooooo idk what you’re complaining about.

I don’t know what profile you looked at… I rarely play either of those even in QP.

I can only assume you are being hard carried by a higher ranked friend in duo queue? Otherwise there’s no way you can have 65-70% win rate for more than 20 matches and not be contributing enough that you aren’t rising.

What’s odd is that I didn’t get a win for Baptiste. I was Baptiste the entire round but switched to Mercy in the last 1 minute for the damage boost and res. The 2nd round I was Moira for the rest of the game until we won. Since I was Moira the longest, Moira should have gotten the win but she didn’t. She still the same stats.

My win rates for Baptiste, Moira and Mercy went up slightly each. But none got the Game Won added.

The point I’m trying to make, that everyone overlooks because it’s easier to ridicule than it is to think objectively, is that regardless of your performance, you’ll always lose more SR than you gain, by a fair amount. That’s a problem.

Lose in a steamroll? You drop 30sr
Win in a steamroll? You gain maybe 20

Lose a long, even match with good stats? Drop 25+
Win a match, similar conditions? Gain 20-25

I also want to point out what nobody wants to admit: I didn’t say anything about my outlier win heroes that I played, and won with, for maybe one or two games and now have 100% winrates on.

I’m salty, not stupid.

Not really how it works.
Win and the character you played was performing better than other players on that character? Gain better SR.

Lose and the character you played was performing better than other players on that character? Lose less SR.

When I play Winston I gain more SR on wins and don’t lose much on losses. Because I’m better at Winston than other players in my bracket. When I heal with Mercy, even when I do well, I get less and lose more because I’m not as solid with her as others are. Pretty simple logic.

100% where? In 30 minutes?

Peep my genji, tracer, and Zarya win rates. 80-90% with 3-5 hours played each.

Zarya elims per life almost 10 too lol. Wrecking people.

10 elims per life is massive. I challenge everyone to look at theirs and compare.