70% Winrate on My Main

70% and 65% winrates on my two other “mains” for this season.

My SR? Static.

I’m not a math doctor but being over a cumulative 50% winrate should me I climb, no?

What is this game?


if you’re rank is below 3k your sr is performance based. So if you are winning and not doing what the game considers “good” you will gain less sr for wins and lose more sr for losses.

Also depends how often you’re flexing off of these heroes… if you only have a couple hours playtime on each you’re not going to be very high until you put in more work.


Stop watching stats, its useless… You will not be able to interpret them correctly anyway.


The only stat that matters is win rate and >50% = SR gain, or so we’re told…

I’m rarely flexing and highly active in my matches.
Ana/Lucio/Rein main this season.
Nobody to heal? I’m looking to DPS something or speed a flanker DPS to harass trickling enemy players.
Team fight over and no reason to be defending? I’m taking space and denying free re-contest.

unfortunately winrate isn’t the only stat that matters and the game doesn’t recognize “taking space” and doing the right things as “good” gameplay unfortunately


Players have to win 55% or higher of all the games you play to move up in ranks or at least that seems to be the general rule when looking at player stats in the past.
Anything below that and a person more or less just pogos around the same basic +/-100 to 200 SR at best. Stats with one’s main or fav heroes don’t really mater if the over all win rate of the player is poor.

It’s tough to see what is going on over all as you’re looking to hide your game play behind a private profile. Yet if you go into battle say 200 times this season you have to walk out with 110+ wins if you want to rank up. Doesn’t really mater how you get them hero wise

Well if you have 70% win rate in 20 games and 65% win rate in 15 games but also have 30% win rate on other heroes throughout another 30 you don’t get far. If your performance is slightly above average on your main but way below average on the other heroes, it evens out too. Your profile is private, can’t really say much about your problem. :smile:

Stats are marginal influence indicators in this game. I climbed from silver to high diamond on a 65% win rate, though with the wrong mentality it felt like 40%. The game rewards SR on certain key aspects such as role played and influence in said game.

You can have a 70% winrate however if you’re gaining 18 SR a game and losing 25 per loss then your essential economical gain is 0.

Your winrate on other heroes also should be factored here, not just on your mains when looking at such marginal stats.

Alright, i got 12k dmg per 10 minutes on ashe and 7/1 k/d with 28 kills on low gold last game and got 23 sr. Also was smacking with tracer onetrick last season and guess what? No 30+ sr per win, just stable 20-21 per game in any side.

then you’re not performing any better than people playing the same heroes at the same rank

Thats a lie, one of my alts dropped to slightly below 2.8k after a fail night with premade friend and I got it back up yesterday with 65‰ win rate or so in a few hours and Im a player that change heroes between 3 to 6 times in most games.

Ive never had issues getting good gains as long as I dont fail.


no, because we cant see that you have played something half your playtime with 20% winrate or some crap like that. How do you climb when you flex to stuff you arent good at?

Why is your profile private? So you can come to the forums and make some absurd claims about your main being 75% winrate over 4 games or something?

On my alt. My widow sits at 80% winrate after 5 hours. However i mercy most of the time and lose at whopping 25% winrate. Should i climb? of course not. Working as intended.

Sure. On low gold. With that numbers. I’ve seen profiles of people who i play with and i can compare. I’ve played so many games with gm level match performances and it was usually just 2-3 additional sr

GM level match stats in gold is not the same as GM level match stats in GM. I’m diamond and I could get the same stats as a GM player does in GM, but that doesn’t make me GM, because I’m still just playing against diamonds.


If your winrate is truly 70% (which I doubt) you would be most likely climbing. Right now I am sitting at a 69% winrate on rein and have gone up almost 200 sr, as he is mostly the only hero I play

I have 100% winrate on Pharah and Torb, your point?

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a high win rate on a main, who you play a lot of would generally say more than playing torb 1 time and winning. So if he’s winning a lot with the character he plays a lot, he assumes he should rank up.

I played bastion twice and i have 100% winrate on him

WHY IM NOT TOP 500??!??


you’ve got to keep in mind that you’re performing with gm level stats against golds, whereas true gms are performing with gm level stats against other gms

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And if a GM actually played in the same match you did against those gold players, they’d have quadruple the stats you had. Thats the difference.

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