70% win rate only silver

I placed bronze 5 which is fine if im able to climb out of it fast (btw won 7/9 for promos) Now my win rate is 70% (56/82 wins) with 4 kd, good healing, damage etc blah blah… that means ive got had the chance to rank up 8 times… why am i only ranking up 1 division at a time? bronze 5 to bronze 4 etc its taking forever. I’ve got to silver 1 but giving up now. My friend has a 30% win rate and is already gold. i don’t get it. ive had to restart with a fresh account hoping my new account will have an easier time at comp. anyone else frustrated?

Why not try working on your main account instead of a new account? Win rate isn’t everything. Your buddy could be playing much better as the team and enemy but is losing matches. It’s not win 7 rank up or lose 20 and derank, it takes into a bunch of things into consideration. How you play, what you did, etc. You could very well win all 7 games, have all the top stats, but not even rank up because you’re not showing the system that you play better than not only than the enemy team but your team as well.

Whats the point of trying to win then if im gonna have 3x their wins and still have a lower rank. And if we’re judging by kd, heals, damage… mine are better from stats :frowning: copium


You just made a bunch of baseless claims, most of which have been officially-denounced by Blizzard themselves.

Many of us have been in a similar boat. My friend played in season 1 PC, then the rest on console. When we all moved to PC, we were all, initially, placed around Diamond (we were Masters on XBox) but he was chucked right down to low-Silver. So, we couldn’t play together.

In meantime, being the one with the most free-time and the highest rank, I jumped onto his account and was pulling a 72-80% winrate and tracking the SR delta. Because of the amount he was going up and down per game, a 74% winrate was needed to just plateau. A single loss would put the account multiple wins behind. It was going down ~28/loss and up ~10/win.

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So I can just sit on lucio with just a healing amp and drop a beat once in a while, win 7 games, and rank up? Don’t even have to shoot anything either right? Surely your performance plays no part in it at all.

If your actions lead to the team winning at a statistically-significant rate, then yes, you should rank-up regardless of if you fail in one, evidently unimportant, way.

Performance-based SR accounted for 5 ±~3 based on averages of stats for your MMR, while the loss/win, generally, accounted for ~20 with much bigger variation based on your teams collective MMR vs the enemy team’s collective MMR (collective vs mean average is unclear). From what we’ve been told and reverse-engineered of the system, that’s all that counts.

I’m at 82% win rate with Lucio after 25 games. Bronze 5 is still my rank. I don’t just heal also. I get the same amount of Picks and similar damage to the dps. I dive and kill supports and get the win but cannot rank out.

I also bus the slow players all over the map as well when the team needs to regroup.

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It is more about own performence than just winning

Where exactly is this told to us and reverse engineered?

Please, excuse my lack of encyclopaedic knowledge of every point I’ve looked up. Consider what I said an opinion and do what I’d have to do and Google it.

Shouldn’t have to bloody point that out.

Oh so you mean this?

Don’t ruin a good meme with your asshattery.



From their blog post

Tier Divisions represent the same skill levels as SR, but they give players a higher-level view of where they’re placed in Competitive. Each division represents approximately a 100 SR range. Players will receive a competitive update every seven wins, or 20 losses, instead of every single game.

It’s the same old system, other stats has effect but is minimal, at the end of the day it’s W/L that move you up/down.

Except Bronze 5 which has an insane 1000Sr rank. With the deranking bug and Performance mattering more than wins, ranking out of this hellhole is a massive grind.

Not even close. before the “Bug fix” is was at 50% Winrate. Afterwards I one picked Lucio. After 25 games I have a 82% winrate and still stuck in Bronze 5.

Are you by chance in DPS? On tank/support I was able to shoot up to Silver from Bronze just after 2 cycles (14 wins). But on DPS, I’m in Bronze 5, and I have 40 wins (70% WR) and I’m still stuck, can’t rank up. And this is after “the bug” fix. This got me wondering, you know how everyone thinks ranks/matchmaking is rigged? What if it was just bugged this whole time even in OW1, wouldn’t that be funny guys?

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Issue with OW2 vs OW1 was you could see the SR gain/loss after each match. When you know the MMR is screwing with you was you gained 25 SR for 4 wins and lost 28 SR on 1 loss.

Now it’s all hidden and you don’t even know where you are in the ladder. Also people are skipping ranks 2-3 levels so there’s something else that’s broken.

stats isn’t always everything…
70% is nice but it’s early. Play more it will drop to 65% then to 60% and probably 55% if you play long enough. Sounds like your really fixed on having high % that doesn’t really mean that much. I started the same way 70% wr Mercy Bronze 4,B3,S5,S4,S4,S2,S2,S3,S1,G5. Mercy is like 56% now.

As the season goes on my Gamesense has returned with some mechanics. I’m going 82% winrate after 25 games after the patch with a 50% overall before. My rank has not changed from Bronze 5.

The game no longer rewards teamwork. You have to basically statpad and throw to rank up as a Mercy player on the forums has reported going to Plat with a 40% winrate.

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