The thing is, people like hawnu are one char focussed as hell. Not to mention that ow should not played like this, and everyday we have to fight with those guys in our teams.
I get that, but wishing they’d leave for the benefit of others isn’t inherently correct either
This should be that spoiled guy who obsessed with that 1 particular Mercy skin.
Speaking of that guy, he’s at it again with his usual copy - pasted manifesto.
Sorry but no, the Japanese legendary skin is not from the battle pass.
I think overwatch would be a much betetr game without the mass of mercymains. Its the worst charakter in game played by the weakest palyers in the game. Everytime you have people like hawnu in your team, you have a big disadvantage.
Season 1 Trailer | Overwatch 2 - YouTube’
pause it immediately, at 0:30 there is a silhouette of a certain skin in the battle pass section, oh wait its mercy.
That person gives me Ethernyet vibes. Steadfastly claiming “Mercy gets no skins!” while reality proves otherwise.
Ooo, good eye. I missed that!
Even if it’s not, who cares??? She already got so much and is getting a legendary skin at the game’s debut. You’re beyond spoiled like a child, it’s just hilarious at this point.
I don’t think mercy players are weak. Players of any hero could have the attitude Hanwu is depicting.
Oh my god you’re right
speaking of the devil, He’s probably going to cry about the weekly challenges and how he’ll never finish them because he doesnt win yet he’ll probably have the max amount of coins possible for a free player at the end of the season
I think this is my personal opinion, because everytime you have the one mercy OTP in your team, you lose the game. In ow2 this will be more annoying cause Mercy dont fit in the new game anymore.
Idk I don’t lose any more often with a mercy than other heroes, so I guess our experiences are just wildly different. In high plat where I play, she’s pretty reliable.
And how would she not work with OW2? She’s got great mobility and that damage boost is only stronger now that there’s one tank to block that amplified damage
Look at the video with the BP, you can see Mercy’s silhouette there lol
Don’t use logic, that doesn’t work in this scenario
A lot of my friends are Mercy mains, so I don’t agree with that statement in totality, however I will say that with every highly popular hero, you have an increased chance of finding the most ridiculously off-putting sort of people maining them, simply because of population numbers and not because of the hero themselves. And it works both ways, so you’ll also find some of the best sort of people maining them. That particular player and many others I’ve encountered fall in the former category, but I also know sooooo many Mercy mains who are amazing teammates and people in general.
TLDR it’s important to check our biases and not to generalize.
Ty that’s what I was trying to say but I’m like half asleep lol
Point is you have more mercymains than others in the game, and 90% of crying people (like hawnu) are mercymains too. Imagine you have a niche Bastion every game in your team like Mercy. Imagine everyday you have 10 people crying for Bastion skins in the forum.
People dont want to git gud in the game, so we never get rid of those mass of hawnus. A few of them are okay, it’s the mass that causes me to hate this players.
Smh calling me out like that (jk)