7 Months of Grinding for a Single Legendary Skin!

How can anyone think that this is ok and actually better than OW?? We lost OW, for what exactly??


OW2 is better than the last two years of OW, skins aren’t everything. OW2 recieves a lot of updates, keeping the game “fresh”


You will eat your gruel and you will enjoy it.

Blizzard - probably


Its what OW1 was before they left the game to die so they could work on PVE… Literally OW2 is a shop update+ a p2w model for new hero releases


This is what the anti lootbox players wanted.

Right? People keep forgetting or ignoring that the OW1 drought was due to the PVE work for OW2.

They could have just reduced free lootbox drop rates, removed paid lootboxes, and let some people buy currency or skins directly.

I would argue it is different in the sense that the casual experience is PVE in that game and the issue they had was content (like with No Man Sky). They did “fix” some of that thanks to some of their writers but the FOMO method they take with giving the story means new players or players who hop on after some time have no clue whats going on. And if the story is not engaging/bad the player retention drops drastically. That being said, the battle pass by itself is decent in that game with a mix of currency (on top of that you can get each week), xp boosts, and loot. You don’t have to have the high end exotic stuff that is paywalled unless you are doing the highest end content in the game (which is only a handleful of players thanks to that) or doing it at a pro level. There are major issues that stem from the similar aspects, but its mostly just that end pve/pvp content and not the regular gameplay.

Just grind coins using Bing, it’s going to take less time, like exponentially less.

It’s not available for me. At least not in a way that would let me get those points quick enough. And even if it was, i wouldn’t do it.

we’ve not been playing the same game this is far worse than ow1 it’s unbalanced and broken, they gutted core features and replaced them with monetization you’d find in a korean mmo

People like to forget that OW was left on life support because they were supposedly “working” on OW2. Apparently a lot of “work” went into removing 1 hero per team and adding a battle pass menu.

How’s that leather taste?

New ranking system is garbage, new heroes are stuck behind paywalls, all cosmetics are monetized, 5v5 dilutes the game which makes playing tank or support horrible, but sure, starwatch is DEFINITLEY keeping the game fresh… just to be clear, I’m not telling you that you can’t enjoy the game, just don’t try to tell me this game is an upgrade.

To be fair, atleast they aren’t defending the shop.