Having a replay or two would lend a great amount of credibility to your claims.
OW and OW2 do a very good job at making the game look like you have low ping when you actually have very high ping unless you are paying extremely close attention or have latency numbers in the top left (which can be turned on in settings btw). It still has noticable effects on gameplay, however, causing things like aim to feel “off” and missed shots.
I have experienced hitscans going through targets and dealing no damage, but it only happened once in one game which i’m pretty sure was on LAS1 if i’m remembering it correctly, although it was a while ago. (my normal server is ORD1 ever since they deleted the East Cost server) and seems also network-related. I’ve never had it happen with projectiles though.
I’ve also had this happen to me, another network issue, but probably serverside this time, esp. if it happened to another player.
His intuition was correct.
Were these winstreaks at or near the beginning of the season?
Based on what you’ve told me so far it seems you’ve been unlucky enough to encounter server issues frequently in addition to possibly using an unreliable internet connection to play OW.
Look in keybinds and find the bind for network graph, load into a practice vs ai or something and see what your ping is and how consistent it is (and what server you’re on).
Also your aim might be affected by your unintentionally poorly-calibrated (or default) graphics settings as well if you play on PC. Luckily, this thread…
… can help you remedy that.
I am well aware of the patents files by Activision-Blizzard in regards to EOMM, but I never attribute to malice that which could be attributed to incompetence when I don’t have enough data to make a conclusion. (And it seems like this particular dev team are far more likely to be in the latter camp rather than the former given the decisions they’ve made regarding the game’s balance and matchmaking.)