6v6 failed because of the devs

I believe that. But apparently balancing 5v5 is also beyond their capability :melting_face:

As for their “creativity with new heroes”
 not sure that’s valid in hindsight with Mauga being the most recent tank.

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I think they actually should limit their creativity.

It’s most likely they shoot themselves in the foot multiple times with new heroes. Brig and goats, Sigma/Orisa and double shields.

They designed heroes like OW is a PvE game, where the design criteria is much more lax because you don’t need to care how fun to play against. So they only cared about how much fun to play and uniqueness, and abused mechanics unfun to play against, like CCs.

PvE and PvP are vasty different. In PvE, the game will die soon when the company don’t update new contents regularly. But that’s not important at all in PvP. It’s not uncommon a long-standing PvP game has simple mechanics and only one map practically.

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I’ve been saying this for awhile now, and maybe it will start to catch on. Blizzard can’t make tanks balanced. They can’t. They’ve failed. One tank or two. The solution can only be to remove the role entirely. 3 - 2 role queue. Add the tanks to the dps pool as sturdy dps heroes and lower hp and abilities like on open queue. No more bloated hero pool.

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a lot failed because of the devs, tbh it began with Brig and started spiralling from there. idk if they’ve ever directly addressed balancing issues and instead gone with:

A) creating a bandaid fix
for goats that was role queue
for double shield that was 5v5

B) murdering character identity because they can’t balance it

I would rather the game not rewarding a feeding behavior and call it skills/teamwork, as in the case of charging Rein.

I call them raidboss too, based on scale and such, but folks from MMO are very adamant about the definition.

How much of the total playerbase would you say plays “meta”?

I think so too, but apparently they believe they should appeal to “all type of playstyle and fantasy” according to their MMA.

Hey, it could have worse. Imagine a Mauga with no downtime and no weaknesses.


I believe alot more people play into meta hero but dont play meta comps if that makes sense

60% of Tank picks across all ELOs and game modes during the time you’re talking about was Rein and Zarya.

The idea that the vast majority were even playing DoubleBarrier heroes, is wrong.

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I remeber it was mostly double barrier then the last tank combo was the worst being pull hook

Now deadlock is going 6v6 like rivals.

Havent seen much on that game but i played rivals and it felt amazing

Rq was the issue it started bloating tanks and nerfing dps.

Like I don’t see the reason why tanks had to cry about mei or flashbang etc.

Before rq it was all fair game.

Just for one role they messed up a ton of cool designed heroes.

And that role is still not satisfied.

Now Cassidy is getting another nade rework like come on.

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Ya leaks dropped only now and in bits and pieces.

This is a good compilation of stuff it’s more shooter ability focussed while Marvel is more ability and melee focussed .

Aesthetic wise Marvel is closer to ow.

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I can probably go get screenshots of overbuff stats during that time, if it helps.

What you’re describing is entirely false.

That never happened.

Keeping in mind I probably spent hundreds of hours trying to solve 6v6 before OW2. Probably more than anybody else in the entire world, that wasn’t actively working at Blizzard.

So nah dude.

All im saying is what i remeber playing was double barrier untill pull hook became meta

I’m saying what a tiny fraction of the players do, has very little impact on the playerbase as a whole.

All I’m saying is anyone who thinks tank as a seperate role is going to work without ruining the game to death isn’t seeing reality.

Unless you go openq and reduce tank as normal heroes, no bribe bandaid patches will last long and only cause destruction of other heroes.

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I don’t remember that tank leaving
 in any case, they simply need to do hero ban and / or differentiate tank roles
 1 main tank + 1 off tank, simply as that.