6v6 balance is ruining ow for me

the mode to me feels better in every way. let me start with that. however…

the balance team is clearly not used to balancing a format that doesnt require powercreep to function.

the s9 health changes means that heroes like reaper and torb actually feel tankier then some tanks. [oh and to all the people that criticized me on the season start turret buffs, how does it feel now that it does even more damage? because it needed more buffs apparently] remove these s9 health changes immediately.

all the role passives being in. why? we don’t need them in 6v6 they mess with balance and breakpoints to much.

lowering the dps passive to 15% yet not nerfing healing numbers is absurd. like do i need to spell it out for you? sustain needs to go down in 6v6 not up, that’s what destroyed ow1.

the fact that all poke heroes got buffs yet none of the flank heroes got buffs. we nerfed flank heroes because of the lack of a second tank. now that the second tank is back they can also be at normal power again. the echo buffs are nice though. she definitely needs it considering that a turret receives more love then her. revert s9 immediately regardless of format

the fact that not only did widowmaker receive a buff but Canadian widowmaker is also running rampant again. the dev that decided that sojourn was fine like this needs a serious checkup.

support abilities are still too strong. suzu baptiste drone lifegrip etc etc… all just terrible. they don’t need super peel abilities in 6v6 why was this not accounted for?

the damage creep is also really noticeable. once again why did we nerf tanks survivability semi properly and then just leave all else unchecked. numbers need to go down nerfs need to happen.

all in all this just is nothing like ow1. its just worse in every way and i think its because the balance team is genuinely struggling with ow2 as a whole. however this is a separate patch that they had months to work on. why does it feel so sloppy and hastily put together? why does it align with current 5v5 patch? 6v6 is so fundamentally different, they cant run on the same patch.

How did this happen guys?
i had lots of faith the moment you mentioned getting rid of passives in this patch…
i told everyone to let you guys cook.
to forget the past and look towards the future.
the future isn’t looking so good anymore.
this betrayed my faith in the team once again. 2 years i waited for this.
2 years for it to be poorly executed.
please try to actually balance 6v6 like 6v6!


I never learned what powercreep means and at this point, I’m too afraid to ask.

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The funny thing is that despite carrying so much baggage, power creep and terrible changes coming from 5v5, the 6v6 mode is still way more fun.

A little fact for the thread to read: The damage role passive is 12.5% on tanks in 5v5, and it is 15% on tanks in 6v6. Yes it is stronger in 6v6 than in 5v5. Like ???

I thought they wanted people to have more fun on the tank role. This seems like active sabotage.


im gonna give an example.
if we buff winstons damage and he runs rampant. then instead of nerfing winston i buff reaper and hog to keep him in check. now ive got three broken heroes running around. in ow2 they hardly nerf things properly instead they powercreep another thing.
like the dps passive was meant to keep support in check rather then nerfing the problematic supports.
and of course the singular tank means that one tank has to have the power of two.
and since there is no off tank to peel supports need stronger peel abilities.
because both are stronger dps needs more damage to be able to play.
etc etc… its a vicious cycle.
6v6 has equal players per role so therefore they can all be around the same power and function more healthily.

i don’t believe its sabotage, but the alternative is incompetence and that’s way worse

So it means, never to rollback a change but instead add upon it and enter a vicious cycle of broken heroes which rotates at every patch.

Got it.


The name is very on brand. The power level creeps up over time.

For example it is common for new heroes to be stronger than old ones. They can do more and have fewer weaknesses. But instead of nerfing or changing the new heroes to keep them balanced with old heroes, game developers usually tend to buff old heroes up to the level of new heroes to keep them relevant.

Based on the interview Aaron/Alec gave it’s because they believe 6v6 will be better for tanks and worse for dps/supports. So theoretically they did this because they’re balancing it relative to the perceived enjoyment of 5v5, not OW1.

They’ll need to change skills n stuff if they want to properly balance the game for 6v6, also ult charge balance is in question.
I won’t pretend I know what is needed just its now supercomplex to balance, if they decide to go with 6v6 it will take them a while

it started with ow1 moira and orisa. then escalated with brig into GOATS. then sigma and bap created double shields which lead into the downfall off ow1.
ow2 however is in maximum overdrive in comparison to ow1. every patch gets worse and worse. they just refuse to roll things back and triple down on powercreep.
the 6v6 experiment was their best opportunity at a clean slate. a fresh start, and they blew it.

as good as juno is with the current dps passive she has completely replaced lucio. he just cant keep up. lucio is balanced really well imo. juno isn’t a bad design she’s just better in every way. i was hoping that things like that would be rectified in this test but sadly no…

the day these devs make a decision that actually makes the game healthier… I’m buying a lottery ticket… or two… three actually.

the global tank ult charge feels terrible. in classic ults where building too fast however i think that in this test with barriers and deployables being so much stronger the tanks dont need to reduce ult charge gained… but that’s just my opinion

It’s an often imagined phenomenon eating away at the brains of the unwashed masses.