6v6 and honest opinions and questions

So, I heard they were bringing 6v6 possibly back to test run stuff in a event. I saw a post on a video that really caught my eye. What if instead of a specific role the last selected player is selected from the “flex player pool” and that player can interchange between each role as needed for the game at hand.

(on each team)They are the only one’s that can switch between each role in the game to fill what they feel might be needed. This however could possibly be abused to have another dps in the lobby but it also brings in much different combinations that could occur as well.


draw backs you can think of?

I think it’d be easier if you could ask to swap. Now, anything can be a tool used for toxicity. And I’m sure jerks will use it to troll others if they’re dying too much and what not. But I don’t think we should give bad apples all the power in deciding what mechanics are in the game and what aren’t. We already had blizzard bend the knee and lock profiles because of this.

With my idea, you could hover over someone’s icon and ask to swap roles with them. You can do this as many times as you want in a match, so you’ll never feel locked in to your initial choice and role queue will still have its intended effect.

that sounds like a fun and interesting idea but I feel like it would just be taken as toxicity demanding/requesting someone to switch roles and people will just ignore them or use it as a form of trolling or consider it toxic. Like we have to as a community come to terms with the fact not everyone asking for a switch or to do something is being toxic but a lot of people immediately associate someone asking as such. Like Everyone thinks they know better than the next person and it’s just like walking on eggshells which is probably why overwatch has such a huge issue with voice com’s and team work in general.

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Realistically, the only way this actually works is if you restrict accounts with a majority of time spent playing DPS within their last ten games or something silly such as that. If you let DPS mains use it as an alternative queue, the queue times skyrocket and genuine flex players wouldn’t bother using it.

On top of that, it would realistically just increase toxicity as 9 times out of 10, you will want a second tank. Even if a third support or DPS is the correct call, people will assume you are throwing if you do not use the opportunity to abuse tank synergy.