Really not commenting on the queue time bug Blizz?

Then you will likely be disappointed.

Fix incoming so they say:

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Probably will be hotfixed with the Origins skins error some people are having. Which they said would be later this week. Most likely Thursday at some point.

Story of Blizzard and many of us, really.

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I think they finally replied to one persons tweet, but nothing to the community! I really hope they compensate for all the games we are playing with no credits!

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Hey everyone,

Sorry for the radio silence on this, but the team has been hard at work and should now have resolved the queue time and priority pass bug.



Any news regarding the experimental card? The thread on Bug Reports subforum was unpinned, does that mean a complete cancellation of the card?

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welp took a while but at least it got resolved


what the guy below you said!!

do you guys plan on ever bringing the new ExC back with the orisa, doom, sombra, etc changes? y’all said that it broke the game and you were fixing it so we need to know if there’s any plans on bringing it back!

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Even though you guys seem to think the forums is always negative and biased, we like seeing you here!

Now the only question is are last years Summer Games skins going to be dropped to 1000 coins?

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That’s WyomingMist. : D

They literally posted on the forums all the time as a community leader (had green text instead of blue ) before getting their new job! So they definitely don’t have those interpretations of the forums.

Oh I didn’t even realize. I wondered where the green text people went.

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I think we can confidently say no at this point. I cannot imagine less than 8 weeks out from OW2 that we are going to be seeing any additional changes to OW1. I can only imagine right now they are all hands on deck making sure OW2 is ready (or half hands on deck with the other half working on content for future seasons).

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wat dat

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It’s a blue guy waving

Dont worry, we are used to it lmao


Two secret upvotes and a downvote.



I’m happy for you! :blush:

Oof… yeah kinda odd thing to be silent about… :roll_eyes: