Buffing Resurrect?

I can’t wait to be resurrected over a pit when playing Zarya, Orisa, Reinhardt or Roadhog.


So far we’ve been testing it and seems u have to be really close to the Pharah as she dies to pull off the ress. It’s possible to catch the soul as it’s falling but a little difficult keeping up with it during the ress.

We noticed that if someone dies midair over the pit it doesn’t allow u to ress. We tried it multiple times over the Illios well, as well as outside of the map. Maybe we’re doing something wrong there or it really just doesn’t let u ress over it.

So what does this mean for falling soul ress? Since that seems to be the only application that is being affected by this change.

Do we have to start following around falling souls now in order to ress?

Pretty much yes. It’ll cancel otherwise.

Unfortunately my friends had to go but I’d like to do more testing on this later.

Ugh, so they mess around with resurrection now too.

There’s no way mercy can keep up with a falling soul if she has to ga there just to start the ress. Probably not even in valkyrie.

The soul stays in place during the resurrection according to the patch note.
It doesn’t keep falling. That’s the whole point.


Remains to be seen if it makes it possible to ress above pits or will pharahs and echos still fall to their demise during the animation before they can resume control of their characters lol.

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Yep they’re gonna fall down into the pit before they resume control of their character and in addition they have to have quick reflexes lol.

What I want to see is mercy saving sigma who dies to boop damage and then he flies back up with his ultimate lmfao.

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queue in standard bull defense

But it’s OW2 buff!

That happened to me. I died in the air right at the edge of the well in Illios and my friend ressed me and my body just fell into the well during the ress animation and I could do nothing about it. It was funny.

Hey, everyone!

I wanted to clarify an update I have made to the patch notes since publishing them on the forums!

  • Mercy can now attempt to resurrect teammates who die OVER environmental death pits (not teammates who die in them).

Sorry for any confusion, and please shoot any questions you may have over to me!


Appreciate the clarification, I was a tad confused about the change at first


This is a cool change to try imo haha… it’s something I’ve wondered about… “wonder why they never considered letting mercy rez enviro kills?”

But the more I think about it, the less I like it, because when you take into account the skill and fun of enviros (not to mention the fact that they’re permanent) it really makes it a strategic type of elim.

EDIT: okay I see I still mis understood

So even if I’m a non flying hero… let’s say an enemy lucio boops me off the map, but one of the lucio’s team mates eliminates me with a shot mid-air (aka before the environment kills me) then the rez marker will stay right there in the air… that’s cool I like this idea.

I have revived pharahs in the air and as soon as I finished the rez they were dead as they respawmed under the map and insta died again. I’d consider this a bug fix.

That would’ve been a nice QOL change though, and addition to me wanting Mercy’s playstyle changed from a Pocketer to Jugglar, like how Medic is in TF2.

Rez is really weak, it’s not Mercy’s problem. We shouldn’t be going down the road of nerfing acceptable designs because bad designs are bad.

Buff Rez, fix the terrible aiming, problem solved.

or maybe focus the time on fixing their problematic heroes and maps…

it doesnt make any sense to force players to play and against bap, sig, zen, brig, hog FOR 3 years and not doing anything to address that they are just garbage characters with a crap design doing everything in the game and gate keeping every hero.

this game would be 100% more enjoyable if those heroes have been fixed already and 2cp would just be removed from the competitive pool… ill be fine with all the quickplay warriors keeping their 2cp because “my content! i dont want to lose content!”

I kinda wish Mass rez was still a thing. So we didn’t have Pocket mercy players that just keeping rezing one player. She can entirely mitigate single target focusing, especially in Competitive games.

If we have to heavily focus builders and she is pocketing them. It makes for a real issue.

I can see Mass Rez making more sense, if it had been re-patched appropriately.

  • Cast time.
  • mechanics penalties on rez’d players (sorta like a Rez Sickness, WoW).