Only two legendary skins?

The issue we have is that skins is the only content we get anymore, and us getting only 2 skins for the event is just a slap in the face.


A loot box refresh would be nice ngl.
I liked when they did it with the blizzard world update.

I think I’m the only one here who doesn’t care. Because why out so much value of satisfaction into the slimes at all anyways? It’s not content at all. It’s just rewards for playing.

Skins isn’t content. Never was other than Archives when they matched the lore mini games. Hasn’t been like that within years


Sorry, but I can’t hear this anymore.
Blizzard tells us that since years now.


I don’t know the specific breakdown of the numbers offhand, but I can tell you I am not talking about only OWL skins.


Doesn’t bother me if they are gonna keep giving their most popular heroes skins, it’s just both of them just happen to be the popular ones, while heroes without one didn’t get

And that’s why this is the worst event, not only was it just 2 skins but it was for characters who already got lunar skins leaving characters like sigma in the dark until maybe 2023.


They did it a while ago too, we used to get 5-8 epic skins that weren’t artificially locked behind weekly challenges. Don’t forget all the victory poses, potg animations and emotes too.


do you mean… that we will have the same kind of approach for Archives 2022?


I mean they only put 2 in in general, everyone is gonna be disappointed regardless. They made little effort with this event.

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New events? Challenges? Battle Pass? Heck, even… a base loot content drop???


Honestly, don’t care that much. Skins are nice but not game-changing. I attribute this to the large number of departures in recent months.

It’s interesting that they’re planning to actually increase the pace of legendary skins this year. I wonder if this is a sign of increased investment in the base game rather than delaying everything to OW2 - could be a hint of what the content creators saw.

Sigma has gotten a skin much more recently than Mercy. Mercy has gone close to two years without one, Sigma got one last summer.

Hopefully sigma gets more soon, archives would be dope. But sigma has many events he can fill in. Mercy and Tracer have to be pencilled in somewhere. Now they both got knocked out early into the year. Hopefully the rest of the year will focus on others.


But the thing is she has a skin for every event, sigma and many others do not. Just cause she hasn’t be gotten one in a good amount of time doesn’t mean those without any should be punished.


You do realize they arent going to just skip over their most popular heroes right??
They want their popular heroes getting attention right?

Theres literally zero chances they skip tracer and Mercy and Mcree over for 5 years for every other hero to get every skin for every event.

Good luck having players when that happen.


Can you say one thing though please?
So everything about Lunar is shown right?
Or should we except some surprises as Mercy say? :slight_smile:
Anything other than the creator card?
I still can’t believe that is going to be everything for this event.

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Hi, Andy. Long time lurker first time complainer here, but I’m kind of baffled why the team wouldn’t have news like this already ready to be presented if it’s going to be paired with bad news like this? Like players and fans have been DESPERATE for any information related to upcoming plans since the last big update a year ago and we aren’t even being offered crumbs at this point.

Why does it have to be throughout the year, what is keeping us from knowing the specifics right now?


Any time the devs or spokesmen have said the phrase of “big stuff in the future/soon”, it has quite often been very underwhelming or soon as in 2 years