638 hours play time but +2400 lvl how?

so today i played a ranked game and i had a player with a top 500 icon and his lvl was higher than 1800, i was shocked when i checked his profile because he had 638 hours played only, is there a way to lvl up that fast or is it some sort of cheating?
http s://imgur.com/a/hsSpoT

i have couple pictures of his play time on other modes if anyone needs anymore proofs

He may just play a lot of game modes that aren’t recorded. (e.g. old CTF, Total Mayhem, Low Grav, Custom Games/scrim matches, etc).


You do get a +20% bonus on Exp for playing in a group with other people, I am too lazy now to do the proper math formula, but maybe he did play this game group only?

I announced during the match that I’m gonna post this stuff on the fourms to see how this is done, after the match he sent me a friend request. And told me thier is a way to level up so fast without the time count, and he said I’m not gonna tell you event of I didn’t ask him, also arcade games and custom games give way too low xp, and I have a screenshot of our chat if ur curious

Its too bad there isn’t a stat that shows the % of total matches played grouped vs not grouped.

1800*0.8=1440 wich is still too high for a 600 hours, thats considering every match he plays is a group match, he was solo when I playEd with him btw

Could they have played like crazy during anniversary event? Isn’t that double xp?

It’s not double during the whole event, I believe it happened only for 1 weekend

Hmm. Well I got like 100 levels this past anniversary.

Theres plenty of people that only play Scrims or custom games. Ive seen a few in my times.

That one weekend lasted 5 days, and it’s not the only time Overwatch has done Double XP

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I don’t understand what you mean here.

Custom games do, but arcade matches give the same amount of XP as QP (I think Comp gives slightly more, if I recall correctly).

To put things in a bit of perspective, I’m level 1700 and I actually think I have even less recorded time than he does.

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Feel free to prove me wrong but I’m like 95% sure they only did double XP once.

This was way before my time, but I’m fairly sure when OW was still finding its legs they had a double XP weekend. Back on the old forums, you’d see the odd forum post asking for another Double XP weekend, usually around when events started.

I have no solid proof beyond that.

Comp only gives more because the matches are longer ,if you play a comp match that has the same length as a qp match both would give the same amount of exp


Levels =/= skills

A lot of gold portraits are gold players. Not sure why.

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According to:

You get 115% experience in competitive, which aligns with what I’ve heard in the past. It could be wrong or outdated, though.

(Apologies for formatting):

Base Exp Edit
Time: ~211.5XP per minute (~3.521XP per sec)
Match Finish: 150XP
Win: 500XP
Consecutive Match: 300XP
Backfill: 400XP
First Win of the Day: 1,500XP (excluded from game-mode multipliers)
Medals: The experience granted for medals only counts the highest quality medal received and is applied only once no matter how many medals received. For example: if a player has two gold medals and one silver medal, only 150 XP is received for one gold medal.
Gold Medal: 150XP
Silver Medal: 100XP
Bronze Medal: 50XP
Group Bonus: +20%XP
Leaver Penalty: -75%XP
Quick Play (including most Arcade) Edit
Standard exp rate
Arcade—Free for All and Team Deathmatch Edit
These game modes gives 80% exp
For example instead of receiving +150 for a Match Finish you receive +120
Placing in the top half of Free for All does not give exp for a Win
Arcade—Lockout Elimination Edit
This game mode gives between 40 - 125% exp based on game length between 1:45 & 3:15
For example instead of receiving +150 for a Match Finish you receive +188 for long (>3.25) and +58 for short (<1.75 min) games
If you play elimination for exp longer games are recommended
Competitive Play Edit
This game mode gives 115% exp
For example instead of receiving +150 for a Match Finish you receive +173
Practice vs. AI Edit
This game mode gives 90% exp
For example instead of receiving +150 for a Match Finish you receive +135

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it only happened once, and it was 3 days not 5 days im sure of it
http s://imgur.com/a/rnjDjyD

I was getting double XP through the end of the event, on tuesday

June 8-11 is 4 days (8, 9, 10, 11). They also almost always run over into the next day to account for time zone differences (hence why most events end the day after advertised), so that’d be 5 days.

And also you’re correct about the second double XP weekend. I forgot about this recent one because I didn’t end up playing much around that time.