6 dps comp in 2nd open que game lol

Level three posting powweeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr

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The games were insanely unbalanced so they got rid of it. And yea, I could never use lfg to 2-2-2 so roleq is a blessing for me.

I will say, I prefer the structure of forced 2-2-2. I just hate the idea that anyone who disagrees or has a different experience are dismissed as dishonest or someone who contributes to the issue.

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Ditto. You people who wanted 3-5 DPS in your games could have used LFG instead of ruining games for people who didn’t want to be a part of that situation. It’s a 2 way street bud, don’t point the finger

not even masters+ on ladder gm+ played it and yes I mean top500 people mostly played it. Lemme emphasize the fact about 650 people out of a whole population PLAYED THAT COMP and do consider that a TOTAL of 650 or something like that. that means in one day about 24 to 36 people in those ranks played it omega lul

Its actually a fact that role que provides more structure and higher chance of balanced comps.

  • cant solo q
  • no role based SR so u mite get dps players who are mercy mains etc.
  • no balance around 222
  • must always have mic (gets toxic if losing)
  • get kicked if pri profile or leader doesnt like your hero choices
  • takes a long time to get in a team and find game no matter what role you play
  • every1 usually leaves after a loss (or even a win sometimes)

imo lfg could never replace what role que provides


Mwah ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Except the 3-5 DPS players didn’t complain the entire time, they just queued and played what they wanted. They weren’t preaching to create a forced 3-5 DPS queue.

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you evil potato >:(

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While 4+ DPS in a game really doesn’t happen that much… What you mentioned definitely happens a ton.

In my games. A sure-fire way I’ve seen loses a match is when people start swapping off their roles because someone tilted off something essential.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. I had countless games of 3-5 DPS players with those being the exact players complaining. “I picked DPS first” “I’m a genji one trick if I don’t play genji I’m throwing” “insert player leaving voice channel” then our 1 tank/healer goes DPS because they’re annoyed that they’re playing with a bunch of selfish people

You’re right, the 3-5 DPS players weren’t preaching for 3-5 DPS queue. They just want no limits on what role they can play so they can always play DPS if they want to at any given moment (which is 100% of the time) regardless of what the team needs. No thanks. I think they should keep the mode so those wanting a bad time can have it, but I’ll never touch it.

Imo this is a positive to role que often overlooked as a negitive. In my experience switching between roles is abused more than it is used tactically


I’m one of those 6 dps locks too lol. I don’t want to tank and support for people who just want to play 3 dps. Let’s just play DPS since that is the class most of the community cares about.

This is a scenario I just described lol. No one wants to solo tank/heal after 4 of your teammates go DPS, and anyone who does probably isn’t having a great time. Luckily, we have role queue.

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The opinion was in regards to saying they’re more enjoyable. A lot of DPS became irrelevant with the addition of 2-2-2.

That’s the point

That’s not true, there’s options for that and everything.

Again, that’s not always the case. Rude people are gonna be rude, but my experience doesn’t overwrite yours.

And waiting >10 mins to play DPS is much more fun.

That’s fair too.

I’m pro RQ, but I anti “my experience is more valid than yours despite the fact that you were having a enjoyable experience.”

I say just leave Open Queue there for people to play.


I’ve usually felt like solo healing is trying to convince your team you can win by carrying the round to tempt them to fill out the comp to secure the win.

But more are now relevant than prior to role q

Don’t know why you’re complaining. You’re complaining about 6 DPS, but… you’re also one of the dps… Play a support or tank if you don’t like playing 6 DPS comps. In fact, 0-5-1 is more viable than 0-6-0.

I absolutely loved playing 0-5-1 and 0-6-0 comps. Why? Because there were no tanks to slow the game down just with their existence. The game was fast and fun.

Anyway these are all opinions, so no need to reply to this.