6 dps comp in 2nd open que game lol

h ttps://imgur.com/gallery/YuMHFof

It took me exactly 2 games to get the rare 6dps comp. It started 4-1-1 but changed to 5-0-1 then we all left spawn as DPS on defense dispite doing ok on attack.

First game was 3dps and hog/ball but changed to 5 and a moira once we started losing.

I had 1 game where i went tank and we had 222, we steamrolled the enemies who had 4-1-1 but then on defense my team went 4dps n they went 222 and they destroyed us Lol. All games seemed to be determined by which comp had more tanks/supports and it felt just like pre-role que

in all games there was so much swapping between roles that i couldnt keep up. I did notice however that it was usually a tank/support switching to dps.

Playing just 5 of the open que placements really made me remember how bad the competitive gameplay experience once was and appreciate the devs even more for giving us role que which provided structure and much higher chance of more balanced team comps. I do however not care if this mode stays for those who do enjoy it :upside_down_face:

Thank you blizzard


In all 10 0f my placements I never got less than 1 healer or 1 tank. Usually 1-3-2 oe 2-2-2 tbh.


Give it a week and about 1/2 the people (probably an exaggeration) who “like” open que will be back to 2-2-2.


Well that is kinda the purpose of this mode. I personally hate those comps but thats why I play 2/2/2.


Huh, from the games of open queue I’ve played I think I’ve only seen that once

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I’m surprised no one is running GOATs. :thinking: EDIT: I guess you can’t anymore? I think? I guess it depends on whose out of rotation.

Use LFG. It’s there for a reason.

People are going HAM in Open queue because it’s no restrictions and people aren’t used to it since we had that flexibility taken away. They’re going to abuse it until the hype dies out a bit and people play more seriously.

I’ve been using LFG to get a 2-2-2 comp but still give me the flexibility to swap roles mid-match with someone if needed. And I haven’t had 5 DPS comps even without using LFG.


Even when goats was in its prime i rarely seen it tbh. It was only really played in masters+

And here I won with 6 DPS

Wow, I didn’t know that. Mostly because I’ve never been there and I never want to be. But odd, I really thought it would be more popular than that.

Yh, many people care more about playing dps than maximising win conditions so during goats peak it was mirror goats in every GM game but stil 3-4 dps games in diamond below.

Cool. I’ve done 20 and have yet to have a 6, 5, or even 4 DPS game.

No surprise here. All the open queue defenders claiming 3-5 DPS wasn’t a constant thing before role queue are just flat-out liars who did it themselves. Everyone who played open queue knows for a fact the majority of games only had 1 tank or 1 healer (and sometimes even just getting that was a gauntlet of itself). Less than 50% of games were 2-2-2, and even when it was, it was pulling teeth just to get people to go along with it, then they would whine the entire match. No thanks open queue, I’ll stick to my role queue. I do think they should keep open queue so people can’t complain it’s not an option, really tired of seeing those posts.

Now with role queue, I can guaranteed play whatever role I want without having to worry if I’ll have 2 healers or 2 tanks. :raised_hands:


Again, 20 games without this experience. You had LFG. If you wanted 2 healers and 2 tanks, you could have gotten it yourself. Instead, the rest of the playerbase was punished because people like you wouldn’t use the features you were given and instead chose to whine until it went your way.

Are you surprised? That’s how overwatch looked like for years and that’s why I love roleq. No more rein swapping to widow because ‘dps is not doing anything’ etc.


Y u lying lol. I personally played 5 and had 4 dps or more in 3 of them

Punished with more balanced and structured games where all 3 roles can be equally enjoyable.

Got it :+1:

Also its narrow minded to compare LFG and role que imo

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i made a topic long ago about this it never gets old

if I really cared, I’d slide you all my replay codes.

That’s an opinion (:

For any reason other than balance, it really isn’t. People refused to use LFG to get the comp they wanted when they tools were right there.

You want to try quad DPS? Cool, I’m looking for 4 DPS, a tank, and a support. You want to try GOATs? 3 tanks to play with my 3 supports, please! You want 2-2-2? BAM! Right there for you to request. The only issue is that players refuses to actually use the tool that they begged for for 3 years.

Noone used lfg in masters+ before roleq and it was impossible to find anyone. The only option was to soloq. The higher you went the harder it was. Also you can only duo q in gm.

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Wasn’t that because people were six-stack slamming diamond at ghost town hours?

But tbh, I forgot about that because I’m not GM. Fair point.