So in the trailer it’s said 6 distinct modes, but I thought there was only 4 gonna be in ow2(payload, hybrid, control, and push) what are the other 2 modes? unless they are not getting rid of 2cp? But that would still leave 1 other game mode
They are probably counting CTF and Lucioball or something.
They do have a new gamemode ready to go, but idk if it’ll be a surprise on release, I think it’s for the next season
Interesting to note is that Mystery Heroes and Deathmatch were in the unranked section during beta
I was confused by this too. I don’t think they would count unreleased modes in the trailer advertising what will be available on launch day. Maybe they mean ranked, open queue ranked, quickplay, VS AI, arcade, and custom games…??? That kind of doesnt make sense either. Idk.
Comp, Unranked, Open queue, vs. AI, Arcade, Workshop.
From the current OW1 website:
So that’s probably what they mean here
It’s for 2023 fyi according to the roadmap
I wonder if practice range would get a do-over. I wished it was like Paladins training room.
I love how paladins training range is
I really hope it does tbh, along with the tutorial. There’s so much they could do with both of them.
Yeah it just amazed me how much stuff a F2P game had than a 60$ game. It would be great if OW team copied some of them along with some heroes .
Yeah. Tutorials are a must. They can even award some points for completing basic to advanced challenges. To keep people engaged.