Just today Samito put out a video titled “Real proof 6v6 Should Replace 5v5” so if there’s any wonder what their agenda is there ya go.
If you enjoy this game in it’s current state this vocal minority of people are out to make sure that you will not get to play the format you prefer anymore and they want to force you to play the format they enjoy more giving you no choice.
I know we 5v5ers sympathize with guys because yes, their preferred mode did get replaced and yes, in a perfect world people would simply get to play the game how they want.
And that is what’s going on now.
These kids have their own custom game discord servers and although it’s obviously not ideal they do have a way play the game how they want.
In a recent poll 5v5 beat 6v6 by a 53 to 47 percent majority and that sample was for people engaged with the online community so it probably comprised a bunch of people who are more hardcore and naturally inclined to want 6v6.
We are the majority, but they are much loader than us. I know people happy with something are naturally less vocal, but you can’t be scared to lay down your arguments cause their intentions are pretty clear.
The developers pretty soon are most likely going to say 6v6 isnt coming back (barring the custom games) so I don’t think 5v5 is under threat.
But I want people to be very careful about suggesting a scenario with 5v5 and 6v6 existing side by side because they are never going to be satisfied until we are forced to play 6v6 and cannot play 5v5 anymore.
If you recommend that make it in the form of a separate product like “Overwatch: Classic” and don’t suggest inviting the trojan horse of 6v6 in your game thinking it’ll satisfy them and we can all sing Kumbaya cause it’s a trap.
Just be ready for what will happen after that dev blog cause they will get madder and louder which is what the cult does.
“Their agenda”.
I think I know as much about you as I want to.
Samito is but one voice in the chorus. I don’t care how good he is, 5v5 vs 6v6 is a debate about preference.
Community so weird.
Back before OW2 even was announced, they were constantly badgering Blizzard to turn the game into 5v5 to fit into the gaming circle of CS:GO and Valorant and become a proper “e-sport” or whatever. Just search the forums and reddit back then. The community BEGGED for 5v5.
Sometimes I feel like the 5v5 side talks more about 6v6 than the 6v6 side
In 5v5 I feel like a bystander without much impact. My main has been turned into a dull version of its original self.
I hate 5v5.
Where is this “community” you speak of?
As I recall, while some people were asking for it, it was not the entire community.
As for proof, just use the forum search and look for 5v5 before the announcement of overwatch 2 being 5v5.
It existed, but nowhere prevalent enough to say the community begged for it.
Maybe 5v5 people are less vocal because they aren’t 100% sure that 5v5 is better. Where as 6v6 people in their minds believe in 6v6 fully. We only know what about 1% of Overwatch players feel. I hope they can get feedback from people who don’t post online.
constantly is an overexaggeration
not that I know of, you sure you’re not overly exaggerating?
Yes please stand up. Makes it more satisfying to knock you down
huh??? literally most people did not want that
I’m not vocal about 5v5 because it’s not about wanting 5v5….its about understanding why the game is no longer 6v6
My personal preference doesn’t matter…one that I don’t really have because in fact I enjoyed both versions of the game
no that’s called giving up
5v5 or 6v6 can work, the devs just need to balance the game accordingly.
ATM we have some heroes who fit 5v5 more and others that fit 6v6 more.
I personally prefur 6v6 2 tanks, but i would be fine with 5v5 as well as long as the devs actually balance/fix this issues I have with it.
Overall its a matter of opinion, neither side is right or wrong.
Count my vote for whichever model keeps queues shorter
bro this is like a carbon copy of a MAGA tweet
Remove MAGA and just say any political tweet. Everything about this is baseless fearmongering, it hits all the bases.
Try and assert yourself as a reasonable person
Assert yourself as the majority
The walls are out to get us
Never give them anything, theyll eat us.
Oh yeah, I totally looked over that part, you’re right…
actually amazing how similar it is 
“agenda” LOOOOL. using fearmongering tactics is such a new low now
6v6 is actually a op from the deep state.