5v5/6v6 is not the issue but the lack of new heroes

Guys, let’s don’t get distracted by the “new updates”. The main issue of the game is alwaysvnot roles or format but the lack of DIVERSITY. There is no way to avoid a meta forming, and the meta just forms way too fast in the game.

The one and only way to avoid meta, which keeps the freshness for players, is to CHANGE before the meta forms.

  1. Higher frequency of balance patches
  2. Adding new hero
  3. As the devs mentioned, (2) is too much workload for them to handle(if that’s not an excuse), they should focus on introducing “systematic content” like talent tree, multiple roles passive, gears, etc to increase the diversity within the same pool of heroes.
  4. Lower the priority on new maps development. I mean new maps are great but player would rather trade 2 maps for 1 new hero.

Hopefully the new director can focus on the core of a game - playable content first. I mean comics are great, soundtracks are great, statues are great… but Overwatch ultimately is still a game.

The number of heroes isn’t really the reason why Tanks are unpopular.

There’s more Tank heroes than Healers, but like half as many Tank players.


It doesn’t matter if you get a new cool hero.
DPS are still going to play Ashe, Widowmaker and other heroes they consider “skilled”.
And fail at it.

You could move Symettra, Torbjorn or Mei to the tank or support roster and it won’t change their lives. More heroes is not the solution here.
In fact, the game could probably gain from getting rid of every hitscans.

If those people leave based on their own boredom nothing of value is lost. There are multiple other games that do what they want OW to do. If they don’t want to try out the other 3/4s of the roster that’s their problem. The game should NEVER revolve around those types.

5v5 is bad and Blizz need to know this. Who lives in Cali? I will pay you to sit outside with a megaphone 7 days a week.

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I’m just gonna drop this here…

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I hope any new hero will be unique and not a clone or mishmash of other heroes.

I would really love more tanks and supports. Hopefully one of the new tanks can be a new shield tank.

Guess I’ll do this then

People don’t just hate to play Rein/Orisa/Winston, but additionally, they hate more when they are forced to play those.

Will more new tanks help the issue? If more main tanks that are fun to play are introduced, then the answer will be yes. Imagine if the tank roster could have 10 more hammond-level fun main tanks?

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I figure it makes more sense to make Hammond into a DPS, then give D.va/Hog/Zarya barrier-like capabilities.

Different barriers in OW have different usage due to their own characteristics. However, the purpose of having tanks are their ability to “create space” for dps and healers. Barrier is not a must, and not every barrier in the tank could create space.

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It’s not, but for all but the top 2% of ELOs it would be hard throwing without it.

True and that’s why new tanks are needed.

Again, the issue is playstyle, not the raw number of Tanks.

Of course variety within the role hampers it. Dont be dumb.