5v5 sucks and idc what you think

had a game today. went like this;

tank 1 on dva, tank 2 on winston.
tank 1 on dva, tank 2 go zarya
tank 1 go rein, tank 2 on zarya
tank 1 on rein, tank 2 go ram
tank 1 go ball, tank 2 on ram
tank 1 on ball, tank 2 go dva
tank 1 go zarya, tank 2 on dva

do you see where im going with this? i kid you not, both tanks were on this circle of counterswapping the ENTIRE GAME, and neither of them built a single ult once before switching.

i feel so, so sorry for all the tank mains in 5v5.


Okay, but idc what you think I think.

okay, but what if idc what you think i think you think. what now, huh??


Still, idc what you think I think. And still idc what you think about what I think about what you think.

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well thats unfortunate because idc that you dc what you think i think you think, because idc you dc what i think about what you think i think you think about. boom.

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Yeah tank balance is pretty whack right now, and it’s amazing to me that anyone can call OW2 balanced when matches are just a constant rotation of heroes swapping after being invalidated by a single enemy pick.

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So you had 2 people that played mystery heroes in a game. Happens. Is it needed? Not really (maybe in GM+ in comp). Most people just dont play ALL TANKS and are much better off playing tanks that they have fun with or they are good with.

You dont need to switch a tank 3+ times a game. Its just not what is the right thing to do. You can deal with counters even tho they are annoying.

Would I switch from Roadhog when they run Orisa or from Dva when they have Zarya? Yes. Would I switch from Ram or Orisa to anything? No.

There is a point where you have to take the L and play. The current situation is mostly terrible for tanks thanks to Ana, Zen, Mei and Cassy. They need to reduce the debuff effects on them. This was not this extreme in S1-S4.

idk, gtfo as idc, wdyt?

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Is this what it’s like to not main junkerqueen?

this is where im playing

wasnt a mystery. it was a pattern of swapping purely to counter the other tank.

Idc what you think even harder, because I didn’t actually read the thread but you read this post.

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Well, then it is what it is. In that high rank people mostly can play everything and always want to counter the enemy. Tank is the most “switch heavy” role at the moment.

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Its almost as if … this game was built on “switch to counter” mechanics.

didnt one of the devs say in an interview they didnt want counterswapping culture