5v5 overwhelmingly negative

Seeing as how the comments of every media source is overly negative towards the idea of 5v5. It really goes to show how out of touch blizzard is with their community.

  • friends of 6 stacks don’t want to be separated
  • most tank players don’t enjoy solo tanking
  • people don’t like loosing the extra dynamic tank synergies provided. The only exception being shield stacking which could have been solved on its own.
  • balance changes and their comments are showing a heavy bias. 1st against the tank community and then agressive playstyles like rein over defensive playstyles like orisa.

Through all of this blizzard is guaranteed to continue ignoring all of our feedback like they have for years, and tank players will always be treated as second class citizens


7v7 with 2 Tanks, 3 DPS and 2 Supports would have been ideal.

It would have helped with queue times, with the interest in the game. It would make the OWL matches much more spectacular.

It would have attracted a lot of new players to the game. This 5v5 has a pretty high chance of backfiring and of turning this beautiful game into a sad wasteland in less than a year after launch.


I don’t want to lose either of my tank players on my team.

Also, they’d have to do a lot of rebalancing, something we already know blizzard isn’t the greatest at…




I would much rather add players than subtract any. Though, I currently would rather keep it at six, but seven is better than five.


7v7 might cause too much visual clutter so the you’ll have to tone the light shows down but it’s infinitely better than 5v5 and solves more issues


The engine is unable to handle a 7th player which is why they are unable to do it.


Not everywhere.


I see a LOT of people in favor of this change…


“SeCoND class cITIzeNs”

Bah, you people will never stop being unreasonably whiney


Stylosas community is notorious for going against the grain because his veiws speaks with certain kinds of players. Even then it’s almost equal for his poll which says a lot.

If you want actual community thoughts look to more general overwatch communities and not specific players that are filled with like minded opinions


Yes, certain players that exist within the community.

Point is it’s not overwhelmingly negative everywhere.

And even then, it’s a reaction to an incredibly new and impactful change. The expectation is that it would be negative.


There are too many variables in Overwatch. This is why it is such a hard game to balance. This is why it is so difficult for a team to coordinate. Removing human variables to simplify is an incredibly good move in my opinion. 2 fewer chances for a toxic player/smurf/thrower in every match. It’s a great move.


The Blizzard “community” hated Overwatch the day it was announced. They are childish, irrational animals, and no one should ever listen to them.


They said at the end of the stream they were listening to feedback, so lets see if they can actually backpedal on the decision of 5 v 5 or if they keep so out of touch that they leave it as it is


That’s like walking into a kfc and taking a survey of who thinks fish is better than chicken. They may be a part of the community, but it’s a targeted audience of like minded people which promotes a heavy bias and not a realistic overall take.


I think they made the degree of difficulty to balance that much harder when you are the lone role.

And not even thinking about the toxic blame game will go for that lone tank to, God forbid, have a bad game.

All I can do is wait n see as to if they will commit to it or jump ship like they did with
Unlimited heroes
1 hero limit
Role lock
Hero bans


And in that scenario, it would also be incorrect to say that the opinion on fish is overwhelmingly negative everywhere.


Sorry but thats a bad argument to delete a slot on the game, we might as well make the game 1 player only thatbway you dont have to deal with other online people who MIGHT be toxic smurfs etc


All the things are to remove the synergies between tanks IMO. Synergy effects are one of the most desirable in a team game, but it isn’t ideal in the perspective of the balance just like the counter-relations, especially if they have so close bond with a specific character. If their synergy is too strong, they should be nerfed balancewise and become trashes individually in the end. Ashe, for example, could do oneshotting when Mercy is there, and Blizz nerfed Ashe.

The synergy between tanks are the most impactful one in OW, and that’s prolly the reason why tanks were nerfed so hard.

I personally think they could adjust each ability one by one, so that they don’t have too much synergies and not too closely related to a specific character, but yeah it would be too much work and the game could be a completely different one.