5v5 in OW2 means 5v5 in OW1

Speak for yourself, or go through my post history and find me saying “I WANT ROLE QUEUE! I WANT 2 2 2!”

Blizzard quarterly analysis.

you have 0 idea how stats work and it shows.

30% leaves because of it, then there are more who just conformed. meaning its probably closer to 40-50% of players that didnt want it, and thats on the low side

you couldnt be further off dude. you dont understand how stats work in the slightest.

So… I take it “I WANT ROLE QUEUE! I WANT 2 2 2!” doesn’t count?

Where was this said?

You lie about the stats Blizzard gives out and then claim I do not get statistics… okay.

To explain your lie, and no I will not believe you if you say you simply misread it at this point, you are conflating the total number of people playing all Blizzard games with the total number of people playing OW and assuming a 1:1 connection between it and EVERY blizzard property despite ZERO reason to believe this.

There are historical reasons to assume WoW is a bigger driver of the player dropoff given that Q1 is the post expansion release quarter where there is has been a dropoff for 5 expansions in a row (6 with SL) so you can assume they are a significant driver and probably a big chunk of those losses. Now I would assume OW is also a significant driver but that is an assumption with ZERO evidence.

Despite that the funniest part is that I gave you an IMPOSSIBLE scenario, ie that everyone left for one reason and one reason alone, and not only do you believe this impossible scenario but you just figure that it is of course true. Fun fact no one reason drives losses to a game, but the leading reason for OW would likely be a lack of content not how Comp plays out. Bluntly I could give you an explanation as to why that is the case, but I am not sure I could do it in a simple way so I will not touch upon, but suffice to say there are studies out there on the effects of stagnation on market share across various industries and they tend to drive down market share far more frequently.

Now I understand why you want to believe this. It is hard to accept that the thing you like is not popular so you convince yourself that people do not actually WANT to be playing RQ, but they are for reasons that you say are “conforming” for reasons that as of yet unexplained because there is no extra incentive to do so or any incentive at all. People can play Mystery Heroes all day if they want or play OQ Comp if they want to or play RQ comp and overwhelmingly the people picked RQ comp.

No we are not. No one is unhappy with the idea of fixed numbers per role; we are irritated that an entire role had its representation cut in half. Big difference. FWIW - I see no evidence that the 5 v 5 is mostly a complaint among pro role queue folks vs open queue… if you can show me some evidence for this, fine, but AFAIK its pretty evenly disliked. What’s showing here is nothing more than your own anger still over 2/2/2… sad really.

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Except it totally will. You will still be able to go shop and buy OW no problem. After that you’ll be able to buy OW2 as well, or both of them in a bundle. That’s because buying OW2 you actually only buy the PvE mode. Heroes, maps, modes, balance, UI, 5v5 is gonna go to “OW1” as well.

But if you don’t have OW1 and you buy OW2 you will still get the PVP mode you don’t have to have OW1 to play PVP

Um no. Once the servers are upgraded to OW 2, your client will be automatically updated to OW 2… sure you can buy the box and add the code to your account for say the Noir skin for Widowmaker, or get the skins, that’s it.

You only need buy “OW 2” if you want the extra cosmetics and PVE play. I am amazed there is still confusion over this point… it will be impossible to ever play OW 1 again.


In fairness, unless you keep track of the OW news closely. It is extremely unclear. Especially for new players.

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??? It takes 2 minutes to find a match in OQ.

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You mean the last comment I made?

I’m actually surprised you’re the only one who made that joke. :rofl:

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Depends on your MMR. It has the CTF problem where once you get over around 3.5k the queue times act like they do for RQ at around 4.2k+ as there just is not a large population playing it and that exposes itself greatly at the higher and lower bounds of SR.

blizzard quarterly reports

factually incorrect. i am. and i know many that are.

well open que representation got cut completely out. i say you got a better deal.

Concidering OW lost about 30% of its players after role que was enforced im going to say youre wrong. Mostly pro role que is all thats left.

theres no anger. im simply pointing out the delicious irony that you (general you)forced what you wanted on others and didnt care saying things like “leave if you dont like it” are now kicking and screaming when it happens to you.

crazy you didnt take your own advice.

How do you know they won’t have an OW1 category with only OW1 heroes and the last OW1 balance patch? This seems like the kind of thing they would do, at least to me. It wouldn’t affect the rest of the game if they segregated it this way so you could still have 6v6 things.

by the way.

the largest survvey taken of overwatch players says you are LAUGHABLY wrong.

You missed the point and took it out of context…

That is not a role now is it?

Show me a hard statistic on this or it is made up nonsense.

blizzard quarterly reports. look them up.

A loss of folks doesn’t prove any causation, only correlation. The lack of content is probably at least half the issue. But sure some left for 2-2-2, OTOH, new players come in and accept it. This was always predicted to be the case.