$56 really? for skins?

its not that far off because people pay far too much for some stitched fabric

sure real cloths serve a purpose outside of ‘lookin good’, but most people pay extra for it to ‘look better’

50$ for 4 skins in a video game is nothing compared to people buying 500$ shirts, when they barely make 20k a year


Why is Sombra’s $25, same as everyone else’s, but she has so much less stuff in her bundle? :-1:


They have a point.

Even though I’m in a well paid job, pay all my bills, work hard all week and deal with very stressful situations all year round (work with people who are vulnerable)-they’re right. I shouldn’t be allowed to spend my money on myself as a monthly treat.

From now on, I’m going to conform to their constant whining into an echo chamber like some sheepie, and fuel their validation and farming for likes, and feel guilty for enjoying myself.

RIP fun :frowning:


does Cassidy have a special voiceline for his ult like he does with the lifeguard one?

I honestly don’t know yet as I’m yet to try Cass (just finishing off my dinner lol). But I know a piece of music plays when you kill enemy players. Ash’s new sight though for her weapon is great


It’s a trash game true but alot of people like to Jabe something nicecto look at while there playing there trash games it makes them feel better lol it’s just that for most people these particular skins do indeed look well trashy. For one of the biggest Animes of all time you’d think they have gone all out but many skins look better than these and that’s the sad part. Wasted opportunity. I love CowBoy Bebop but considering none of the characters I actually play are in the Cowboy Bebop bundles I had no problem not buying it but if they were I would have cause I love that anime in particular.

It all comes down to how much you make and what you value.

I could buy all the passes and every bundle and still not even need to look at my bank account because I’m well off.

BUT, the reason I am well off is over I don’t waste money on overpriced cosmetics like ow 2. I bought Baldur’s Gate 3 this weekend, instead.

I love cowboy bebop, but, when I by the Blu-ray box set of the series for cheaper than the skins, that’s not good value imo.

The ones that want to spend good for them. It’s not the worst overpriced purchase you can make.

You like the price buy it.

You think it’s laughably overpriced then ignore it like ya do with the crap in the shop


Le Sserafim was like $65 for everything, iirc. (stating this so you know it’s around what you’d expect considering what the collabs were sold for in the past)

A lot of people are gonna come here telling you it’s a “great deal”

It’s not


You guys really don’t get the point I’m trying to make :joy: you’re still trying to justify yourselves. “B-b-but people buy $500 shirts”, alrighty… People also buy modern art for millions of dollars.

OW2 is a live service game, eventually it WILL shutdown and everything you bought is getting flushed. But in the end it’s your money (or your parents money) so do what you will. I’m just here to give y’all a PSA.

Still waiting on a patch that doesn’t break the dam game. Have it installed but hardly played it. Patch 3 was just… yeah…

So far we only had one near game breaking glitch in our over 8 hour campaign. Trying to set someone else’s character into another mode was a friggin 30 minute restart, no you restart, troubleshoot headache.

yes and the planet could explode at any moment, might as well not by cloths.

you dont buy something to have it forever, you buy it to enjoy it now

why buy food when its comin out the other end later? might as well use an IV,
why by a home when it could be tore down by an earthquake or tornado? might as well live on the street!

all things are fleeting :slight_smile:

being a negative nancy trying to enlighten people with childish ideals is silly. enjoy life and stop worrying about what other people do


it definitely is in the real world.

For this price I can buy an entire new video game or couple skins, Yea, really tough choice. Skins shouldnt cost more than 5$/€


Are you calling me poor? :pensive::sob:

And you think the guci shorts you bought will still be used 5 or even 10 years down the line?

Heck, most of my clothes are 1-3 years because I gotta replace them after wear and tear.

So the argument that “OW will shut down” means nothing because even IRL products dont last forever


Is the Cowboy Bebop collab worth 7 Starbucks Venti fraps? Sounds like a personal choice.

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By the way the designers of the skins barely get any $$$ from them, the producers and the directors pocket most of the cash made.


Good for you?

Did you know that just because YOU wouldn’t buy something, that doesn’t make it worthless?

And to this point, OW2 skins are going to last WAY longer than something like, watching a movie. $56 is what, 3 movies in the movie theater? Is that flushing my money? Maybe it is but…

What is your PSA? That OW2 might someday shut down? Thanks for the heads up