[50+ likes] Hanzo is in serious need of a nerf, he is the only viable DPS

Across all ranks, he’s top picked DPS by a lot. He’s the fifth most picked hero of all, the next DPS (Junkrat) comes in at ninth. He also has the second highest win rate for a DPS (highest is Pharah who’s picked half as much).


If we go by pickrates tho wouldn’t Reinhardt be the most op? Pickrates don’t make someone OP. I play alot of hanzo but i also play other heros and when i play those other heros i have no problem with hanzo what so ever.


Reinhardt is picked as the least worst Tank, because he can soak Spam Arrow better than the others.

Zarya is picked for Graviton to combo with Hanzo.

The others aren’t really used, D.Va sometimes to soak Spam Arrow and Dragonstrike with DM but she’s pretty easily baited and farmed.

Orisa should be good, but low health pool and massive crit box make her extemely vulnerable between shields which Hanzo shreds.


More to do with hitscans are bad against current meta/shields.
Also Mcree is UP.

In saying that, you’ve proven that you don’t realise how broken Hanzo is currently.

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nah, i think they need to bring all dps heroes up to his level, all dps heroes should be very dangerous, with a bunch of shields and armor going around…

Nah Hanzos not OP.

A hero that can deal 400+ damage in 3 seconds at point blank range is clearly not OP.

Also a hero that takes the form of hitscan, projectile and tank buster clearly isn’t OP.

A hero that has driven out all hitscan DPS except for Widowmaker is not OP.


You are overreacting. Hanzo is fine, actually he’s in the best shape of his existence since he was introduced to the game.

His Ultimate is the easiest to avoid after McCree. Storm Arrow is super easy to avoid in full (if not, at least half his arrows miss unless you are a Tank with a huge barrier) and his clip doesn’t matter since his standard shots are slow to charge to full power. Now he requires way more skill to master than before, that should count for something.
Now, his strafe gave him some survivability, his original mobility was, for a lack of better word, mediocre and since he has no way to heal himself, this was a perfect addition to his kit.

Honestly, there are heroes out there than can do way more than Hanzo and can obliterate the competition easily, but no, we have to complain about a hero that can basically act as a buffer to their absurd power.

Hanzo is finally in a good place, leave him be.


Today I was playing Rein. I got up close to a Hanzo. I outplayed his Lunge by outpredicting it. I was in melee range. I was at 85% HP.

He pressed his E, then killed me almost instantly.



Yesterday i was playing Hanzo and i got close to a Reinhardt, i outplayed his firestrike by predicting it, i was in melee range, i was at 100% HP

He held M1, and killed while i was firing my E.

So who misplayed? you or me?

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They will never admit they make a mistake. Thats why these op threads are always on here. They make 1 mistake or a couple then they just yell OP instead of taking the time rethink the game and there movement and see where they did wrong.

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The Rein, for one, for firing off a Firestrike instead of just continually hitting you, Hanzo main. It would take the same amount of hits yet he just burned a cooldown that one can conceivably miss.

Then it’s your fault for 1. getting close to a melee hero, 2. not just lunging away and laughing at him and 3. following that up by not being able to hit your ‘I win against anyone who’s up close to me’ button well enough. You could fire off every arrow and kill him if you were at 100% HP because it takes Reinhardt 2.8 seconds to kill you. You fire 4 shots per second using E (so 1.5 seconds to empty your full quiver), then you can fire off one more shot which was half charged, then follow that up with a melee. Simple.

Did I make a mistake by assuming that I could challenge Hanzo, a SNIPER (someone who operates from a long range) as Reinhardt, a MELEE HERO in MELEE RANGE?

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Told you he wont take fault for his own mistake.

Then if i made a mistake by getting close to Hanzo how come the Hanzo that killed you didn’t?

The whole point is that anecdotal evidence is irrelevant because perspectives are easily influenced by bias and other things are rarely objective.

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And yet you also dismiss stats just as readily.


I would say you’re biased yourself, based on your relentless defending of Hanzo and refusing to view the other perspective.

I have been biased in the past, as I used to relentlessly defend D.Va before her nerfs. But viewing another perspective kinda gave me an idea why she needed to be tuned down.


I’m sorry I made a mistake for engaging a sniper in melee range as a melee hero. Is that such a crime?


What are your stats? “muh pick rate” When Reinhardt, Mercy and Zen have a pick rate just a ridiculous and no one bats an eye?

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Because we know what the problem is.

You build around facilitating your Hanzo and mitigate theirs.

And this is a problem a because? It’s just another meta.