50% "handicap" misconception

You seem to have completely overlooked my response to you on the other thread and I find it…. Convenient….


You’re going to have to be more specific, you have made many posts and I don’t know which one you’re referring to. Is it the most recent?

We can discuss it here since I took “my” time to dig it up for you….


Did you remove the post? I can’t find it now with search. I’ll reply in “my” thread.

Yes and used it to find the basics of a skill check which exists in any competitive matchmaking system but ignore that fact and said it’s a problem only in OW. It exists in TF2 (Both SBMM and Server type), CoD, Doom etc etc…

I’d agree you may have looked up handicapping but you don’t understand the purpose of it or how it works in any kind of competitive system.

You talk about the removal of MMR and a pure SR system being a solution except MMR reduces the number of matches you are handicapped by playing against players that smurf or boosted via stacking and you have legit nothing to prove it’ll be any better and there are other games that are wrecked by smurfs because they have no such system.

I will say it again, you have never provided a solution that is handicap-free or less handicapping than what overwatch does, and considering you think the removal of MMR would help, yet it would allow someone to smurf or boost for 10 times as along per account.

But let’s round it off by proving you really don’t understand the argument?

Blizzard never said that. They said performance-based SR doesn’t exist above plat. They still use it to match people when they have the SR reset to 3999 and they still use it to calculate match odds which determine SR gains… Now talk about how bad that is all you want but without it, you’re asking 4k players to be match with 4.6k players and that is a real unfair handicap.
Not only does this show you take things out of context but it shows you don’t even know what MMR does… how can you fight against a system you don’t know… probably explains why you think patents for a mobile game are evidence.


Yeah that is 100% incorrect.

PBSR stops at 3000 and MMR is present top to bottom….


You do realize Cuthbert doesnt even play the game anymore, he just logs on to the forums to get validation for his thread. Ironically, the forums are filled with the most people blaming the system as well. I watched 5 minutes of his video format of the thread, and his Rein gameplay was so bad that I almost sympathized with why he was so angry at the system.


He honestly doesn’t understand the software at all.

He makes a moderately decent argument but he doesn’t understand how software (or the match maker for that matter) truly works.


Yea I do and I also know even though he doesn’t play the game he says things like…

So yea, doesn’t play the game for 4 years and thinks he’s so good he would drag eSports professionals down if it wasn’t for MMR and he’s vastly better than people he’s playing with.

If he’s that skilled and is knows how it all works he should be able to climb to top 500 like other players can with ease on multiple accounts or he’s wrong. There being no in between because he said himself he’s good and he claims to know how it works.


This is correct, It is more of 40-70% swing. So you may be in the 40% more than the 70% but it is not a 50% chance.

Actually if you were to read all of the available information, you’d see that it’s edge cased at 40/60…

This means… The MOST unbalanced a game can be is a 60% chance vs. a 40% chance.

Team 1: Has a 60% chance of winning this match
Team 2: Has a 40% chance of winning this match

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This is exactly how I feel when my wife beats me at Quake3 Arena


I admire your passion in the comments you’ve made in that thread but I think you’ll see more success in living a happy life knowing the Zealots will never take accountability for themselves.

It’s like if a child breaks something and blames it on the cat.


Well also it’s not taking into account that there are 11 other factors too. People forget that this is a team game decided by teammates

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While that’s what the devs said, every single person who plays Overwatch knows that’s false. I get multiple games every week where it’s not 40/60 with the players on one team having an off day to make it seem like 20/80. It’s so poorly balanced that the teams could rematch infinitely many times and one side would still win 100% of the time.

But the point is, there shouldn’t be a percentage range for competitive matches. There absolutely SHOULD be games where one team would win EVERY SINGLE TIME they play the other team. Why? Because it should randomly take 12 people at the same SR and split them into 2 teams randomly. If the 6 best players all end up on one team vs the 6 worst on the other, THAT’S ACTUALLY IDEAL. That gets everyone closer to where they should be faster than any other split of players. No MMR. No Handicapping. If you’re better than your SR, you’ll win MORE THAN 50% (AS YOU SHOULD!!!), and if you’re worse you’ll lose more than 50%. You should not be propped up to an SR you don’t deserve or pushed down well below where you belong in the name of a “fair” match for others who are misplaced. And do you know what happens when you do this, just looking at SR and not handicapping? Everyone gets to where they should be WAY FASTER, and then you have MUCH, MUCH more even games without any need to handicap.

It’s absolutely mindboggling that the people making the decisions at Blizzard can’t understand this. Or worse, that they do, yet purposely code their game to be bad.


After playing about 8000 hours, I can say that I don’t really care if I win or lose.
Sure it’s still a bit more fun to win but what i really care about is the quality of my matches.

Blizzard has a system that controls the quality of the matches, independent of matchmaking.
All major game publishers that offer PVP operate this way.

You really want to minimize the probability of people having a very bad experience over a longer period of time. So why don’t we look at the issue from a different perspective.
I assume if I play very passively and badly, I will meet better teammates.

I’m not encouraging you to lose your games on purpose, maybe let someone else play, get drunk because it’s weekend, or just don’t take the game too seriously as the developers have suggested on the forums several times.

It’s very difficult to objectively judge your gaming skills, but you can very well evaluate how poorly you are playing on purpose.
It may take 2-3 days for the matchmaker to take action. It is not true that these effects are noticeable within one session!

To solve this problem once and for all, you must act. No one will be able to give you better evidence. Just don’t call it “throwing”, remember you’re still trying, but not as much as before.

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That is absolutely incorrect. Many match solely based on your rank, which naturally creates more even matches.

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Honestly I think both mindsets are kind of right. Can you climb if you are good enough? Absolutely. Do idiots hold people back from climbing? Yes, they do. That doesn’t mean they will be held back indefinitely if they deserve a higher rank but it’ll slow anyone down to have leavers and throwers on their team, and smurfs on the other team.

While it might not be a valid excuse (and at this point who frikkin knows with how messed up the game is) having throwers leavers and smurfs in your games is extremely frustrating.

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(characters required…)

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I’ll redirect you to a topic i made regarding that. Not just talk, actual games and recorded wins and loses. Of course nothing can prove/disprove anything factually unless we have Blizzard’s code however I offer what I can offer and you got to admit it does look a little eerie.

Also if every game was in fact 50/50 our ranks would be very volatile. Obviously there’s something that the matchmaker is doing we just don’t know what it is. Based on my recorded games I think that the Matchmaker does some kind of stress test which would explain why the streaks are so mirrored.

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