50% "handicap" misconception

That is not a 100% fair system. It is prone to human error.
Also, TF2 has many problems with its matchmaking for casual players like being a match against bots/with bots is an issue and cheaters are an issue.
You know what ironic tho steam recently add a matchmaking system like OW.

So the unfairness you see in OW could be the same unfairness that is in all matchmaking systems. You expand on this drawing baseless conclusion like if a system is opaque it is more likely to be unfair and blow up other issues like normal handicapping which happens again in all matchmaking.

So yes you can’t help…
You can’t help get mad enough to push your opinion on people

Unless you prove it.
Provide a real solution and isn’t already available in OW.

You villainize MME when you have no idea how much impact it has on OW comp games. You use what could and is at the time, normal handicapping to try and prove that its MMR system doing something other than any other matchmaking system would. You also try to back up your points with bias like opaque systems are unfair.

I’m sorry if I don’t agree with an opinion that is baseless and has no evidence to back it up. On the note of the evidence, you consider increased wait times as proof of your accusations, like if your a high skilled player your wait time is longer… err maybe those wait times are longer because it’s got a smaller pool of players to make a balanced match and it’s trying to reduce handicapping a player by making them wait longer. I’m not saying it is but it’s on you to disprove that if you want to consider it evidence.