50 Games played, Phone number verified

I have played 50 games of 6v6 comp after verifying my phone number. SR is currently 3.3k I’m still not on the t500 list.


Update: I played one more game and now I’m there. Please close this thread is possible.

press the trashcan icon on your post and it will delete it in 24 hours.


No i don’t want to…

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alrighty then. lol

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How the hell are you not perma banned by now? Called out directly by jeff for prolific cheating but still have an account? Wow im actually shocked.


Was OP called out on this or what?

Probably just bought a new account.

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It was unbanned bc it was incorrect. But Jeff never said anything about that ofcourse.

nah same account same name ect. its honestly pretty shocking and says a lot about how much they really care about anything happening with this game LOL. or maybe the guy is just really innocent LOL

you can google his name and find the old locked topic in general chat as well as the response from jeff

it was genuinely one of the most exciting things to happen on the forums in 2020. its hard to forget.


You’re the guy with top 1% aim that cheats in Bronze dps queue right? Or I guess you’re trying to say you keep getting banned despite playing legitimately so really you’re just a gm level player chronically deranking to smurf in Bronze? Imagine being the kind of person where even your fall back excuse for getting banned is something most people would be highly embarrassed to admit.


I’m a 4.2 peak who regularly plays in all ranks.