What are you even talking about, lol.
I find it perfectly reasonable, so…
I guess, sorry that you won’t get it.
What are you even talking about, lol.
I find it perfectly reasonable, so…
I guess, sorry that you won’t get it.
Cash grab before M$ cleans up shop imo.
Don’t condone it.
Scummy. But then again i learned my lesson with this kinda stuff years ago.
HA! No.
This is a more believable (albeit still cheap) price for the skin. $30 felt insane when you consider how customizable it is, paired with all the other unique effects of the skin. People may hate what the market rate for something like that is but the market rate on it is very high. You guys should see what some knife skins go for in CS GO. The market is what it is and if this gets me more content in OW2 then more power to them.
$44.99 USD for a skin? why would you think that’s reasonable?
I’m sorry, I really don’t get it the reasonable part in particular.
What skin is it?
Well, maybe you go play one of those triple A titles that cost the same, since you seem to value those more. I wouldn’t play those games if they were given to me for free…but, you go play those, I’ll have my cool skin. And we can both be happy!
When you look at the gaming industry from a macro aspect while taking into consideration that their ultimate end goal is to simply make money; they will have to sell cosmetics and other similar things at about 50 bucks because there’s simply no reason with such a strong standing in all aspects of game development, marketing and core audience to hold back instead of climbing on top of the most gross earnings of the field. Meaning that they’ll be copying and adapting other monetization processes to their games that makes unlocking everything veeery expensive for the player, so that only the high end whales pay said prices while the scraps still make them tons of money from regular players
Sure by all means but you didn’t answer my question.
As in why do you find it reasonable?
You clearly don’t care about this, then why’re you posting here? Enjoy the flag for trolling buddy.
Also, people’re gonna compare what else they can buy with $44.99, cuz you see, there’s this thing called “value.” Legit, I’m looking at all your other posts in this thread alone, and you’re quite literally contributing nothing but filler.
Yeah, I think we all realized that when they announced that OW2 was going f2p? Why does that need to be said?
Because that’s what people are willing to pay for it? That’s what people pay in other games, I’m not sure why this one would be any different.
I understand that they are a company, and they will charge whatever price will make them the most money. That’s a reasonable thing for a company to do. Doing anything else actually, would be ridiculous.
Sez u pointing out how obvious it is. If anything that’s the irrelevant thing rather than answering the topic itself
I responded to the topic many times.
It’s almost like they already sent you a survey asking for your feedback and here we are… never mind. I give up!
So you find it reasonable because other people are willing to pay for it, don’t you think you should base the value on what you think rather than the opinions of others?
Wouldn’t that be more reasonable?
No…because that’s not how things work in the world, lol. The price of something is what people are willing to pay for it. I could think my penny is worth 1 million dollars, it’s still worth 1 cent.
There’s always a couple of suckers willing to pay that amount.
That’s not what I’m saying though, I’m saying that it’s unreasonable to just follow the herd and not think for yourself.
I don’t consider $45 a lot of money.
Look, I get it. The kids on these forums are upset because they didn’t realize this game was going to get more expensive. But, that’s just how it is. they will have to deal with it, lol. Blizzard isn’t going to care if a couple of people come to these forums and say “I don’t want to spend $45,” when they make a TON of money from charging $45. The people that have the least amount of money in life, are often those that are heard the least as well. It’s maybe a good lesson for some people here, lol.
It was false advertising. They tricked me into giving them money that I didn’t need to give. I was pretty disappointed. Sure, I could have scrolled down more and read more but it was a slight of hand maneuver and we all know it. Lost a fair amount of respect for them for that. Too big to be pulling things like that.
It’s not about whether you think $45 is a lot of money, it’s about the value of it. It’s about whether YOU think the transaction between said money for said product is a benefit for you, not whether someone else is willing to buy it.
Personally I don’t think it’s worth it because $40 was the wp pack that will lead to multiple bps and multiple skins.