$44.00USD For 3 Skins!?

This but without the nah. It would be a HELL YEAH! In all caps. As you could probably see.


They do not care about those of us not buying the skins. We don’t even factor into thought process.

They figure out how many people WILL buy it at each price point then whichever one they think will make them the most money, well, there ya go.


Well yeah but i dont see the point in comparing it to full price titles when thats not the reality of gaming we live in.

Im comparing it to other f2p games and in comparison this is a good deal if you are into OPM. Im not personally a fan but can appreciate the value they are offering. If this was in fortnite or apex you bet each one would be $20 as well. So i dont see the point in moaning lol.

We can all moan at pricing. Look at the current economic climate. But i dont go to a shop and start complaining at employees for how much a packet of crisps are. They dont decide that. They just price it competitively to every other store that sells that item

Idk, for me, entertaiment is pretty important for life. But I guess that´s just me - person with severe depression…

But these skins are “nope” for me.

implying I eat more than half the week

Yeah such a good deal. Only $4 more than the entirety of OW1 when it came out!

OW1 vs 3 skins. Very comparable amounts of value!


I’m thinking about it and I realized that lightfall is like 1/5th of what you have to buy to actually play D2 so it looks even worse from where I stand.

The way people’s minds can be warped to not just being OK with this type of thing - but actively defending it for no apparent gain - really is amazing when you step back and look at it. It really explains a lot of things about the world.


You literally are comparing an all-you-can-eat-buffet to a set 3 course meal but ok

Literally 2 different types of restaurant. As ow1 and ow2 are 2 different types of games

You dont go into a 3/4star restaurant and scream

‘i paid $20 and could eat as much as i wanted at the buffet across the street, and you have the nerve to charge me $20 for a single meal here. I had 5 plates of food for $20 at the buffet place. That works out to $4 a plate. Therefore charging anything more than $4 per plate here is outrageous’


or refrain from ordering doordash for 2 orders

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But it’s 46% off for the bundle where it would normally (somewhere) be $82! What a great deal! (sarcasm)


Paid less for some games that I’ve got significantly more hours and happiness out of.

This company doesn’t give a damn about community sentiment or mood anymore. It’s 110% money driven.


And yet 3 skins would still not be worth half of that game. Besides which, these are not normal commodities but infinite ones. You can reproduce as many as you want for free so it doesn’t actually make any sense for their prices to be so unhinged.


That was like an order of burgers and fries for my brother and I. That stuff is so outrageous.

Yall do realise Blizzard had to PAY FOR A LISENCE TO EVEN CREATE THE SKINS?


I honestly really pity your view on this. “It’s what other people charge for a skin so it’s reasoanble”

Like holy cow, man. Look at the actual value of what you’re buying. You can get a literal entire AAA video game for $40-$60 and you think 3 skins for $40 is a good value. :laughing:

Well I’m glad they have suckers like you to help fund their game, I guess.


You can sell as many copies of a game as you want for free too. Why not drop the price after the game pays for itself? Oh right, there’s this thing called profit that is the main point of every single business.

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And yet they DO drop the price lol

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For a little less than 44$

You can get Destiny 2 (free) along with the following expansions:

Forsaken - 6.59
Shadowkeep - 8.24
Beyond Light - 9.89
The Witch Queen - 15.99

Which is dozens if not hundreds of hours of entertainment


Do i think its a good deal in terms of what you are literally getting for your money in comparison to other things. No.

Is a full AAA game more value. Yes
Is a week of shopping more value. Yes

But hello :wave:t2: this is reality. This is how gaming is. No real point in people constantly crying about it. This is the modern price you gotta pay for continuous development. Just crazy to see people crying over what is reality. Im sure the people who paid $5 and could feed an entire family off of it are rubbing their eyes seeing modern prices too