4 fully charged headshots

Zero kills with Hanzo . trash , yet widow is still allowed to 1hs pretty much anyone still while being hitscan .
Garbage balance from talentless devs.


Hanzo is no longer a projectile version of Widow. He is now a ranged brawler like Cass/McCree. AKA Storm Arrow bot.


I fully agree. Remove Widow’s 1-shot as well.


Cassidy’s ranged damage is trash but it’s is good up to like 20 feet
Hurts my heart


Can’t happen since she follows the FPS Sniper arch type. Other games give snipers a 1-tap body shot, so limiting this to head-shots-only was the only viable answer. She’s been further leashed at 53m max kill range at 80%+ charge.


Good thing OW isn’t really an FPS, nor a true one.

I couldn’t care less. I don’t play ‘other games’ for a reason. OW has abused its playerbase to high heaven and I’m still here for (some of) the gameplay.

I’m not here to get smoked down a sightline by a hero that can crit for 300hp for no reason. I’m not saying she’s not counterable, I’m saying she’s bad for a game like OW. Ashe should be the closest thing we get.


Play him like a Junk that can hit directs and headshot. And practice storm arrow two taps.


Junks grenades can’t crit can they?

Agreed, OW2 can’t be an FPS if you can’t see the character’s own feet while looking down.

Maybe it’s time to find a game that follows your preferences? Just sayin…


Maybe there’s no other game like OW, which is why we’re all here.


Blizzard doesn’t have the devs to spare on another game like overwatch lol


Team Fortress is the closest game that comes to mind, minus the huge character cast. There’s also Apex Legends, Paladins, and a bunch of other titles that mostly mimicks OW’s template.


But they have devs that listen so no they arent

Sure, but they’re all A TON uglier and imo worse. I never got into TF2 (file2big… in past), I don’t care for BAs and Paladins is like OW from Wish.

Plus the sunk cost fallacy is real. I don’t bother with a game unless I’m going to get deep into it. I’ve wasted all that time on OW and I’m getting too old to enjoy change as much.


You play Hanzo now like old Roadhog.

You poke/spam with his primary until Storm arrows comes off CD and then you spam Storm arrows instead.

Rinse and repeat until something dies.

Agreed that OW2 has the nicest graphics and character interactions. Being insta-deleted by Widow comes with bad positioning, lack of players willing to counter-swap, or tanks that do not dive or barrier. It may be time to find better team mates if Widow is that oppressive.


Other FPS games like BF don’t use hitscan for their sniper class to allow for some form of effort from the sniper player via projectile and scope movement penalty.

Hitscan on a sniper class is not balanceable as the hit is 100% guaranteed if the player is accurate upon head lineup and pressing the mouse button.

Not that having a glint in OverWatch would help with hitscan, but to have nothing for the receiver to try and dodge the first shot is unfair.


The closest mechanic to revealing Widow’s position is the big bullet trail. Hanzo used to head-tap without the big trail, that map wide shot boom, nor the sniper-auto-call by other characters. I usually see enemy Widows first by seeking the red character outlines.


Or, they reverted her relevant range nerfs and need to apply them again. For how she’s designed, she’s not healthy for the game. Just by existing she shouldn’t hold the same amount of space as a tank. She’s never needed to crit for 300HP, 251 would’ve been enough, but her crit amount has never been nerfed.

She flat-out doesn’t belong in this game as-is.

One DPS shouldn’t dictate multiple hero swaps. I also know how to counter her, doesn’t mean I can solo do it on every role, especially if she has a pocket.

I play often enough with GMs and oppressive Widows at that level flat-out ruin the game. I fully understand how she works and how to take the tiny space she leaves to work around her, my argument is that nobody should have to. She gets too much for what she is, especially considering she’s bad for the game. Moreso now that we have Mickey Mouse bullet sizes and have always had balloon hitboxes.

If I could respect her more (like if she was harder to get value from), that’s one thing. Since she’s in OW, that’s something completely else.

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So what you do is this
Pick a tank with a shield
Hunt the bugger down and laser her into the ground
Keep doing so till they ask for quarter/surrender and then refuse them
Keep doing this and you won’t have to worry about widow again
But that’s just my take ngl