it has been 38 hours since i claimed the drop on twitch. Linked everything correctly both ways, restarted and cleared cache on battlenet multiple times, still no drop down to change from live to tech beta. Blizzard should fix this before giving out more beta access during the OWL games.
I have read somewhere that there is a fixed ammount of places for BETA access. Could be the case that all the access codes are gone. Try again when OWL starts. If you did not get it its very unlikely that you get it.
i started watching from the first minute, and didnt they say access was guaranteed as long as we claimed the drop?
It was said that they had a limited number of places for the first beta and that it could be that not every one gets in.
Check to see if it appears where the PTR used to. It’s not a new game in the launcher
they gave up trying to help and they wont fix anything. I guarantee you it will be the same issue when the owl starts, they just need viewers again. I understand that opting in did not mean gaining access but what was the point of claiming the twitch drop for nothing? Oh yeah to help them break record views on twitch
that was for signing up through, im talking about the twitch drops
I am also talking about twitch drops that when the servers are full they are full.
i know, its not there.
AndyB said that getting the Twitch drop should give a person guaranteed access:
As someone who got in via the Twitch scheme, I hope that OP (and anyone else in the same boat) gets to play the beta ASAP, as they deserve.
it’s not about the servers, I dont even have the option to download it. the point is, the drop was supposed to give guaranteed access into the beta.
it was all about twitch views, now that we can’t play the beat we can go f ourselves cuz blizzard got what they want out of the deal without upholding their end of it,
for this reason im not going to support overwatch in any form going forward if they dont fix this AND apologize
Have you opened a ticket with blizzard? I heard several people were doing that.
I did and all they gave was a copy paste message that didn’t resolve anything and tried to mark it answered. I reopened it and said my issue wasn’t fixed and I can’t login and I haven’t gotten a reply since.
This is what they initially said to my ticket:
We identified that your ticket was related to the Overwatch Beta, and hope this information helps:
Twitch claims over the night of the 27th/28th were applied with a slight delay. If your account is eligible, you should now find that you have access!
It’s not possible to move Beta claims between Accounts unfortunately. If you claimed the Twitch drop while linked to the wrong Account, you will not be able to access the Beta.
Access to the Beta requires a full Overwatch account that’s in good standing. If you do not have an active Overwatch account, you will not be able to access the Beta.
For information about how to link accounts, please review this article: h ttps://
And for more information about the Beta, please see the FAQ: h ttps://
Please note that the support team are unable to add or adjust Beta access.
Thanks for your understanding, and best of luck!"
I don’t know then unfortunately.