366 Consecutive Days on the Forums

I think I’ve been on here about that long, though I don’t know if I have level 3 still. Funny.

this happens to me all the time

If you need the general guides to advancing your trust level check out my guide on World of Warcraft forums:

I got muted one time a long time ago for something dumb that I don’t even remember, so that’s probably what did it.

366 days here as well. I guess that was how long it was since the new forum launched.

I’m waiting for the rock opera performance.

I find something curious about the one-year anniversary of the forums. Somebody at Blizzard unpinned the Overwatch Forum Guidelines just now. Topic exists but it is no longer pinned.

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More like it got auto unpinned.

Maybe… dropped word off to my Blizzard CS contacts, but now our Discord Server is now being spammed by ASCII art from the tech support team at Blizzard… (not kidding).


Sounds like a lot of fun. :stuck_out_tongue:

Blizzard seems like a fun environment

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The fact it’s been 20 hours without a “General Kenobi” is criminal.

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Well I can name a few I dont miss, related to a certain “revert movement” :smiley:

The new forums are a good system. Could be improved with filters to mute threads but yeah, happy birthday!

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367 days. How about that. I’m sure there are people who have been and gone, but none I got too attached to.

A couple I wish I could mute though. :expressionless:

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A mute feature would ruin all of the fun!

Happy birthday :stuck_out_tongue: