360+ FPS 1440p OVERWATCH 2 - powered by GeForce RTX 4090

This is great. Will we get DLSS 3.0 for Overwatch 2?

Can we bring the game to GeForce Now?


Meh would be cool but I’m happy with 150 FPS in 1440. Just gonna wait it out and upgrade to a 3080 or a 3070ti from my good ol 1070ti


Have you seen the prices for the new cards? $1200 and $1600 for a 4080/4090. I’ll be sticking with my 3080 for another 5 years at least.


If it’s anything like ow1, it will be mainly cpu bound anyways.

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Just watching OW2 makes me feel happy


I don’t know if you noticed but they showcased the brand new map in this trailer.


Here iam playing 30-60fps on Geforce 730.


I really hope nobody’s buying a graphics card like that just for Overwatch


Yeah that Portugal. Cool looking map.

no worries

I plan on buying it to run Minecraft on Ultra realistic graphics

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i just upgraded from 980 to 3080 so i feel you, and i wish you an upgrade relatively soon!


They will buy it so they can play a singular game like Valorant, Fortnite, CSGO, Overwatch 2 and other games that barely even needs expensive gpu. I never understood why.

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If I upgrade a pc (and I’m about to full change it) is not only for ow for sure.

I wish i could. They are still pretty expensive here in India. Since i only buy budget cards that is within my price range is 730 and some DDR4 cards.

I was hoping AMD, Intel & Nvidia would release <100$ gpu but nope. Seems like most have given up on those.

I really wish game streaming would pick up.

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i think nvidia is about to face a total market collapse, hence why they tried to cancel their order with TSMC and TSMC laughed in their faces and said no. when the 4080s come out, i expect there to still be a massive glut of 3080s both used and new, so be sure to check for those prices cause they’ll probably be ridiculously low!


Anything over 240 is honestly overkill I think. 1440p is life though. Can’t go back to 1080 it’s like pixelated. I get like 165 frame average though so I need to upgrade my PC even though I have a 240hz 1440p monitor.
Probably gonna swap to AMD next time I get some money.

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Ugh please give us dlss. OW2 beta ran like trash on my 3080 @4k…and by trash I mean dipping under 100fps. In a game as fast as overwatch I need at the very least a stable 120.


Yeah I don’t see any games requiring a 4090 for several years. A 3090 is overkill for most games right now. I think a 3070 will be just fine for me until then.

Plus it requires 850W what the FU-

That’s not even including the power you’ll need for the other components so you’re not bottlenecking your GPU. A PC with a 4090 will need at least 1000W.


chuckles can do the same with overclocked 3060. Maybe a 75-100 less frames. But realistically my monitors are 165/240/360hz 1080p.

EVGA were top - i probably won’t bounce onto 40 series. If i need an upgrade 3090s will be available during the holidays for less than a grand imo. If not RDNA 3 looks amazing. 4ghz boost? Sign me up!

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Plus EVGA pulled out and no longer supports nvidia