330 games of arcade played this week so far - ZERO wins

I win like 70% of my games in qp classic

sorry :frowning:


330 games…

ooffeels bad?

It isnt, but because probably only a Dev could prove him wrong, anything can be said.
Its not the first time a thread like this has been made and … no proof have been given so yeah, quite pointless.

PS: Still dont see the “suggestion” or the “issue” here, just like in the other threads.

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Another one of these threads?

I think it’s time you start playing games like animal crossing my friend


TBH I dont know how you havent been banned on the forums yet. You post the same troll post every few weeks.


remember, all this guy wants is attention, twitch viewers and carries.
He’ll claim every game is a steamroll against him, yet he goes 50/50 in QP and comp
He claimed the longest match he had this week was 5:30 minutes, yet Koth will show a minimum of 6:30 on the replays tab, no matter how big the steamroll. I doubt he had 0 koth games.
All this crying yet bringing 0 proof like always, this guy will remain a clown forever


You can watch me play anytime you like, for all the proof you want. You disparage me without ever living a moment in my shoes. I’ve even streamed hours and hours and hours of video proof. Did you ever watch any of it? I’ve posted in-game codes as proof, only to be marked as spam and deleted. I can’t control other people being jerks, but I have brought proof to the table.

Tune in ANY Monday night in OW, send me a friend request, and watch. You’ll see for yourself.

i have seen some of your games, you win about half of them, the ones you lose are because you are playing tank or healer which makes it look like you are soft throwing thats how bad you are on those roles, going in 1v6, flanking with your ult and somehow missing everyone or you miss every single ability you have, your decisionmaking is the biggest issue, I have seen you trying to kill a pocketed bastion as Ball, I have seen you trying to kill a fortified + pocketed Orisa as torb yet you still blame all those things on your team or matchmaking.
as for the proof, you claim to have not won any out of 330 matches, yet no badly edited pictures of the replay tab or replay codes to be found and i know you wont post those because it will immediately dismiss your claim of nearly all your matches being 2 minutes long

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The only way this is true if you’re queuing with friends and throwing.

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fyi, this guy wont count a game he won as a win if it wasnt a “fair” game in his eyes

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Theres exaggerating and then blatant lying. You sir are just lying, theres no way you played 330 arcade games without a win.


This means you probably aren’t very good.

you have no idea…

Contrary to popular conspiracy…

All game modes have mmr and they all have win probability calculations (meaning it is trying to at least give you a chance of winning)…basically if you win too much you’re going to play against harder competition…if you lose too much you’re going to play against easier competition…

Basically…the only way for you to lose 30 in a row (let alone 300) is if YOURE purposely throwing games…

You are statistically just as likely to run into teams that have whatever it is you’re claiming your team always ends up with (or opponents)

If you’re going to lie so blatantly at least make it 20 losses in a row…whilst still pretty impossible it’s at least somewhat fathomable

AFAIK they seem to have removed matchmaking from QPC. When we stack up as a +Master stack we no longer get opponents that are adequate at the game. We get anything between 1700SR to 4000SR and most of the players in the matches are around 2500SR which means that for each player in our stack we usually get about 1-1,5k SR advantage which makes it really dumb

My advice: pick up a good stack of decent friends and start running modern GOATS. When you do this you have about 100% chance to win or 100% chance to cancel the game from opponents leaving the game :rofl:

that means…there is no forced 50/50! haha! gotcha!

You are correct, there is no forced 50/50. The only thing their matchmaker does is ENSURE a complete and utter stomp - EVERY game. There is no battle back & forth for control, there is only one side or the other getting creamed because it’s not a fair fight. Because it is so insanely consistent over five years of play, the only logical conclusion is that it’s purposeful. By design. Intentional. And if that is their intent, then FAIR matches are the opposite and therefore cannot happen - except as statistical anomalies.

@Baja - Like I said, except for STATISTICAL ANOMALIES (such as throwers, leavers, etc., things I’ve enumerated previously) I’ve literally gone over FIVE YEARS without a single win. IN SOLO QUEUE. As I’ve said before, and as people have pointed out here, it is indeed a different experience if you queue with a six-stack.

@Codedude - I am not allowed to post anything here besides text, so I cannot post pictures, I cannot post links, nothing. And even when I post game codes as proof I get flagged for “advertising” and my post gets taken down. So by all means you tell me how I’m supposed to provide you with proof. All I can do here is ask people to come spectate IN-GAME while I play and see for themselves.

It’s the same guy everytime. I don’t know what he gets out of pretending to be arcade’s biggest loser but he claims to never win all the time for years.

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I wont believe you. Statistically speaking, even if you just stayed in spawn, one of those 330 games would have teammates good enough to cover for it at least once.

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