Your only tank player would have an awful experience. The queue times would get bigger since no one wants to solo tank.
Well… I guess the developers were capable of simple math after all.
Every1 doesnt win by a long shot
Tanks lose
Specifically off tank players
Healers lose
Tank synergies lose
Teamplay loses
Imo the only winners would be entitled dps players who dont really care about the healer/tank experience. The same ones that made role que necessary in the 1st place.
A much better fix for 222 would be to improve balancing and create more fun/engaging (and balanced) tanks so more people feel inclined to play the role.
Its funny how you call it simple math. What you are asking for is 1-3-2 1 tank 3 dps and 2 healers. 3-2-1 would be 3 Tanks 2 DPS 1 Healer and then no DPS would ever get to play a game again.
Btw the number 222 is higher than the number 132 its simple math
If you buff all the tanks up to be able to delete 5 enemies so all 3 DPS and both healers by themselves I’m in. If a buff like that is not going to happen I guess its another Tank player less for the Q. Especially if they move D.Va into a DPS slot. Then you would never see me again in the Tank Q.
Allow me to just warn you that necroing threads is against TOS
lol totally worth the necro
DPS is more appealing for many reasons, and tank/support players are to be lauded for making the game possible. Especially cute mercy mains.
If 3-2-1 didn’t require a massive rework to a good portion of the roster I’d be interested in having it as an option alongside 2-2-2, but then we’re splitting the playerbase and queue times probably wouldn’t change much so…
In an ideal world, we could have 2-2-2, 3-2-1, AND non-role queue competitive. Unfortunately there are not enough players & balance just doesn’t work that way
Whoopsy daisy
P. S. Either you like it or not
Except most tank players like myself stop playing tank and your back to square one waiting long for dps games. 3dps is like taking 10 steps backward considering the gameplay is effective and fun for all roles in a 222 when balance is decent
Experimental btw
you think there is a shortage now…if people are told to single tank, there will be even fewer.
If healers wont get buffs they will have a hard life too
oh my goodness
3+2+1 = 6
2+2+2 = 6
Except the people who don’t want to solo tank. They lose. Which means the tank community loses again
How ? how is less people playing tanks (by way more than 1/2 that are doing it now) going to help queue times ?
Everyone that doesn’t play “The One” (currently Rein) tank that is considered the best will stop tanking due to harassment.
If they move any of the popular heroes from Tank (D’va, Ball, Hog) to DPS the players of those heroes go with them also.
Simple math (using 100 players)
20 Tank, 50 DPS, 30 support (current 2-2-2)
10 teams, 30 DPS, 10 support in queue
10 tank, 60 dps, 30 support (using 1-3-2 and using only 1/2 the tanks stop playing tank due to either their hero moved or due to harassment making them say no way I’m doing this)
10 teams, 30 DPS, 10 suport in queue.
OH look identical using simple math.
This would work only if they redesigned every single Tanks to be viable as a solo tank for a whole team. They’d need something like 300% HP, each one would need some armor and their cooldowns drastically reduced.
And you guessed it, that will never happen.
Lol necro for the second time!? Love it!
Hopefully next time will be when 321 goes live. (Fingers crossed it goes live)
Cant wait for all the balancing changes and for OWL to be action packed with 3dps making insane plays.