32 Locked OW1 Skins

There are tons of OW1 skins that are currently locked. Some were rewards from previous seasons, some are only available in bundles (which shouldn’t be the case), and some are just locked for absolutely no reason. I’ll put why they’re unavailable next to the skins. If it’s blank, it means it’s unavailable for no reason. (Note: I’ve excluded the OW1 weekly challenges skins, such as Skeleton Genji, Sunset Pharah, etc, because they’re being marketed as OW2 skins.) Here’s a full list of all OW1 skins that are unavailable for purchase:

Waveracer D.Va (Prime Gaming)
Midnight D.Va
Referee Orisa
Conductor Reinhardt (Prime Gaming)
Paragon Reinhardt (Watchpoint Pack/Hero Collection bundles)
Specimen 28 Winston (PlatStation Plus)
Lucioball Wrecking Ball
Snowboarder Zarya (PlayStation Plus)
Polyanitsa Zarya
Socialite Ashe (Twitch Drop in Season 3, made available around Season 5, now unavailable as of Season 9)
Dragonfire Bastion
Mystery Man Cassidy (Watchpoint Pack)
Ebony Cassidy
Carbon Fiber Genji (Watchpoint Pack. made available during Nov. 2023, unavailable as of Season 9)
Okami Hanzo (Watchpoint Pack/Complete Hero Collection)
Fool Junkrat (Watchpoint Pack)
Lifeguard Pharah (PlayStation Plus)
Will-O’-Wisp Tracer
Winter Widowmaker (Watchpoint Pack/Hero Collection bundles)
Cabana Ana
Shrike Ana (Watchpoint Pack. made available sometime around Nov. 2023, unavailable as of Season 9)
Funky Baptiste
Feskarn Brigitte
Gorgon Lucio
Valkyrie Mercy (Watchpoint Pack/Complete Hero Collection)
Dragoon Mercy
Mage Mercy (was made unavailable after it came in a shop bundle with Time Keeper Kiriko. Came back as a result of the Remix Vol. 1 bundle appearing in the shop during the week of 12/19/23. unavailable as of Season 9)
Blackwatch Moira (PlayStation Plus. was available in the Hero Gallery for the week where the Blackwatch Moira bundle was in the shop and was removed afterwards)
Scientist Moira
Pale Moira (Watchpoint Pack/Hero Collection bundles)
Toybot Zenyatta (PlayStation Plus)
Ascendant Zenyatta (Season 3’s Ultimate Valentine event reward. Unlike Bitrate Lucio, this one says “Also available in the hero gallery.” and doesn’t appear when filtering for Season 3)

Previously Unavailable:
Varsity D.Va (Complete Hero Collection, now available since the bundle has been removed with heroes being available for free)
Blackhardt Reinhardt (previously part of a now unavailable Hero Collection bundle which also contained Varsity D.Va and Nevermore Reaper. made available around 11/28/23. made unavailable again around 12/19/23. permanently available with the removal of Hero bundles)
MayHam Wrecking Ball (Twitch Drop)
Totally 80’s Zarya (Originally planned to be part of the Support-A-Streamer event in late Season 5, but was changed due to community feedback. Available as of Season 9)
Deadlock Cassidy (made available as of 11/28/23)
Undead Cassidy (made unavailable during the Oct. 19th 2023 patch. Available during Nov. 2023)
Nevermore Reaper (part of a now unavailable Hero Collection bundle which also contained Varsity D.Va and Blackhardt Reinhardt. Made available sometime around Nov. 2023. made unavailable again around 12/19/23. Made available again after Hero bundles were removed)
Bitrate Lucio (Season 3’s Ultimate Valentine event reward. Note that it says “Sometimes available in the shop.” and appears if you filter for Season 3 skins. Available as of Season 9)
Seolbim Mercy (made unavailable around Nov. 2023. Available as of Season 9)

Updated as of 5/14/2024 (Season 10)


i’ve been so annoyed cuz so many of these skins are skins i like. hopefully they return soon enough :pray:t2:

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i know how frustrating it can be. there needs to be something to just unlock every OW1 skin for us and let us run wild.

Today, even more skins have been locked by them.