Has anyone else gotten a bug where the 30 games says 0/0 and can’t get the bonus 100 comp points anymore or is there a limit on how many times you can get it because I haven’t gotten any in 2 days
Not for me, although I’ve not for to 3k yet. I do keep getting 1 point for a win though, when it says I should be getting 3. This should be in the bug category?
Yes I’m about 100 games with no progress. I made a ticket and they sent me here lol
For me it’s been like that for 5 days.
Yeah been like that for me too for over a week now, missing out on a lot of extra comp points because of this and they have not said anything at all as to why (after getting my first 3000 stopped getting the bonus points)
Yes same issue here, been about two weeks for me, I would have my 3rd gun by now and on my way to the fourth easily. They better compensate us for the points we should have.
This problem has been happening to me for a week now, and my friend has also been experiencing it. The Blizzard staff did not fix it in this update. Will we receive compensation. I found that most people experience this kind of thing when their competitive points reach 5100.
Makes sense because after I got my first jade, I was about 2200 for my second when the bug appeared.
Yes i hqve had it for weeks and weeks. Support keeps telling me to reset my password and log out of the gam and nothing is happening.
Based on what other people have posted my conclusion is you can fill the progress bar 30 times (which coincidentally is the exact cost of 1 Jade weapon).
Then this ‘bug’ will occur, but based on the fact everyone’s progress bar stops at exactly 0/0, and it happens right after collecting 3000cp (the cost of one weapon), it seems possible this is intentional.
So, at a 50% win rate your first weapon will take 260 games (130 wins/130 losses) / second weapon will take 340 games (170 wins/170 losses) / third weapon will take 600 games (300 wins/300 losses). For a total of 1200 games for 3 weapon skins, in a game that will have 42 heroes by the end of the year.
Let’s hope it’s actually a bug.
Actually no mine happened well after my first Jade Weapon, I almost had my second one, when the bug happened to me, it happened after a draw occurred. I can’t remember the map though, but I had a draw and had about 2285 for my second Jade weapon or so can’t remember the exact amount but it was around there when the bug happened to me.
That’s not what i said at all. I said after you get 3000cp from the progress bar alone, that’s not including what you get from wins. Filling the bar 30 times gives you 3000cp, which is when the bug occurs based on what I’ve seen.
Assuming 50% win rate you should be at 5300cp total when it happens (230 wins/ 230 losses)
I just hit 6000cp today and I’m at 300 wins/300 losses. Meaning when I got to 230 wins/230 losses I had 5300cp. Then the next 70 wins gave me 10cp each for 700cp, and the losses gave me nothing (obviously). So 5300cp + 700cp = 6000cp or 230 wins/230 losses + 70 more wins = 6000cp. Thus, the ‘bug’ happens at 5300cp with a 50% win rate.
man i don’t even think this is a bug i feel like this is intentional. Makes me not want to even play comp anymore
I agree with your analysis, which is consistent with my experience. The 50% win rate is indeed such a data point
yes i am the exact same
they probably won’t but they should at least acknowledge it as an issue
i have a friend who is close to this so can confirm soon. i also got this issue a while ago.
I have the same issue. Although I was progressing well towards my second jade skin (about 2200 cp earned). Got the 0/0 progress bug right after another 30/30 completion. It’s now been three days with this bug.
Ive had it for weeks you are all not alone.
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