3 years later, why does blizzard STILL allow throwers/smurfs?

3 years later, there are STILL people who do not get punished for throwing. they STILL allow LFG throw groups. On top of this, people are allowed to make unlimited accounts. people on their 8th account smurfing up to their high rank. why can’t they implement prime matchmaking like CSGO? if i get insta queue, that means lots of people are playing at the moment. therefore, i should not be matched with less than a day old accounts. Blizzard shows they want to keep the game toxic.


I wouldn’t say blizzard allows it I’d say there’s nothing blizzard can really do about this issue.

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there is something called ai and machine learning. tesla uses this to detect objects on the road and prevent crashes. blizzard, the billion dollar company, can’t even detect the most blatant throwers.


Blizzard has a lot on there hands right now you cant expect them to do everything all at once.

Genuine question how would they detect between a player that is on medication or drinks heavily on an occasional basis vs someone actually throwing? You cant punish masses of legit players that just have bouts of poor performance.

Ive often wondered about actual solutions to this problem. Ive asked many other smurfs and throwers how they might deal with smurfing/throwing problem. So far nothing anyone has proposed is an actual solution.

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Why aren’t you reporting them? Blizzard doesn’t decide the fate of players. They gave up that endeavor like 10 YEARS ago. If we, as a community, want it gone we have to report them and get them suspended.

I already report every single one I see.


patterns. Accounts that go from playing very poorly to grossly out performing the average from the rank over and over and over would be trivial to detect.

Someone having off games, drunk, tilted, etc who is playing poorly is not going to have such a massive change in performance compared to the average for their rank, and not as frequently.

Let’s say you’re a little above average for your rank and you’re slowly climbing out. The system detects that you play maybe… 5-10% better than what is average for your rank in most of your games. Now you have a really bad string of games and you’re playing 10-20% worse than the average for your rank for a day, maybe two, and then go back to normal. That should look fine.

Now you have a smurf. They perform 75% better than average for their rank consistently. Once they reach a certain SR they then start playing 75-80% worse than the average for their rank. That’s not normal, and if a smurf is deranking each time they climb up that should be an easy pattern to detect.

If you want to catch smurfs and throwers it’s just a matter of flagging accounts whose change in performance over a period of time is drastically different than the average.

Edit: the problem is that even if blizz did create a system to detect and ban these people it wouldn’t stop them. The game costs like 10-20$ depending on sales. For most middle class people that’s a trivial amount to do something you enjoy, and these turds do enjoy ruining strangers’ games online. Lets say it takes 2-4 weeks to detect a smurf or thrower’s pattern and ban them. A 20$ expense every 2-4 weeks to keep doing it never going to stop them.

I wonder this as well and wished they weren’t there but they are unfortunately. People will always find ways to circumvent the systems in place to detect suspicious activities.

I think there is this one video on YT of a cheating Widow and she probably played normally during the first round to trick the cheat detection into thinking they were a normal player and during the second round they were “popping off” and getting crits with every shot they made and would shoot the floor during the down time just to make the accuracy rate lower to seem less suspicious to the system but via Replays its very obvious.

I wonder if Blizzard is able to filter out swear words, why can’t they detect questionable language used in match chat or lfg title names?

Because they don’t care, that’s about it. They are investing all their time for esports and probably working on another failure with overwatch 2.


Tesla will earn a ton of money once their system is fully functional and legal.
Blizzard wont get a dime if they have a fully functioning system. In fact they will get less money because smurfs sales will be gone.

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It’s better the way it is. Groups such as “throw2bronze” are far more obvious names than “Talos here we come” an innocent player could join the second one and be put into a horrible game.

you know i would be inclined to agree with you except for this little fact.


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So blizzard is a little slow this community gives them crap most of the time think of it as a little punishment if that helps.

Solution is simple, just climb to t500 so you’ll never see smurfs.

Nah i got better solution Blizz is not the company it used to be. Every game they touch after release gets worse and worse. Plus they have different teams working on different games. they have time and money to fix it. Just greed got the best of them

This is sarcasm right? they literally never update their games meaningfully because they are too scared to get fired

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And your also sarcasm right?

This community gives blizzard nothing but crap for so much stuff think of their silence as a mini punishment if that helps you.

Because I may not like all of their practices but some are just there and we can do nothing about it.

Endorsements could of addressed this. Team q could address this.

There are sooo many things that the devs could of expierenented with instead they are money driven instead of being like league and concerned with the community and building a good game sustainable through time. Rip owl

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Because for them it is not a problem, my friend, it is a FEATURE. They aimed for a toxic community and created it. This is what I and Talcot Parsons call, Goal Attainment.

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Well I don´t know how many “thank you for reporting” messages I got the last days, so I don´t think you can say they do nothing.