3 video proof u can shoot genji while deflecting

Make sure to post this in PTR bug report. They will notice this thread faster :slight_smile:


It’s a bug ^^’
That’s why PTR exists to avoid such things to be launched live :joy:


That’s further evidence that it’s clearly a bug.

The fact that what they’ve said goes directly against what is currently in the PTR (which I remind you stand for public test region) means it’s something they’re going to fix before they put it in their live servers. Calm down, be rational.


there are so many things that bugs on PTR that go live before

i fear they will not fix it and just release it anyway… and genji main will have to wait it for another month to get acknowledge…

i feel symphaty now toward doomfist main… so many bugs

Let’s wait and see.

Blizzard have been made aware of this bug and it’s clearly unintentional. The sensible money is on this particular issue being fixed.

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No no ><
Don’t worry, my friend. I am sure they will fix it :slight_smile:
We just have to wait ;D

how do u know they allready aware of this bug
i dont see any orange or blue post about it…

Because this thread is far from being the first of it’s kind, believe me. It’s only a matter of time before we see an official statement on this.

If we don’t post about it then it won’t be noticed…

If these threads bother you so much then just don’t click on them.

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as much as this makes me laugh you will have more success posting this in “Bugs” Section

allready did… hope they see it

good, push that into live and leave it in for a month and you’ll know how hog mains felt to play a broken hero. jk

but srsly its either too big or too small. ffs just make the hitbox a semi sphere around genji and the problem is fixed. protects him and no more bs hidden hitbox


kinda aggre sphere like zarya buble so its match the animation without the back side is all i want

not this rubbish new hitbox

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Just saying if that’s a bug then why did sombra LoS bug get pushed to live?!? Most likely they wont do anything about this just like they did nothing to fix sombra’s hacking LoS bug

Just like sombra’s hacking LoS bug, genji’s deflection bug will be ignored, i dont even like genji but something like this is kinda dumb and should be fixed

Ahh, finally. Rewarding players with good aim the chance of killing the noodle boy.

Deflect should be used to punish the people who can’t tell when to shoot. Not everyone on the team.

Edit: ok, watched clips. maybe they should fix it so it’s not that trash. But they should reward good aim against genji in this game.

Why you spamming tho??? You just copied and pasted the links from another thread.

anyone try newest PTR update???

did they fix it or not?

Genji finally balanced! Git Gud :upside_down_face: /s

This reminds me of that sad Doomfist’s Ghost Punch. Now we have Ghost Deflect. Let’s hope there’s no Ghost Bash from Brigitte after her bash hitbox reduced.

And it should punish players for shooting at deflect. You shouldn’t be allowed to shoot projectiles through it, period.