3 out of 4 games in Overwatch had server issues

So I played 4 games today and the first 2 on support had me in an asia lobby and the last one I did on dps had the server close because of an error. Is this an issue anyone else noticed today? The game is literally unplayable for me and I don’t want to keep losing SR because of this.

Players in the forum can’t see where you’re connecting from. Which region is your normal one? Landing on a different region would be a routing issue, which you can usually resolve with a VPN until the ISP fixes it.

Can you explain a bit more? I am an EU player and i got the same prblem. Every game random region. I go to Eu servers to Asian or Us or whatnot server if i play alone. No vpn active. And a question: What the region selection menu do if not select my region where i want to play?

The Overwatch servers decide your region based on where it looks like your connection is originating. Your ISP chooses the routes you use, which can send your connection closer to a different server. Using a VPN can sometimes repair this route if it isn’t ideal.


  • If your connection looks like it is originating in the the UK, you’d usually land on an EU server.
  • If it looks like the connection is originating in the Middle East, you’d connect there.

However, if you play during times of low traffic or at a high rank, you’ll get placed in another region so you can get into a match.

The implementation is a holdover from Overwatch 1, but it may also be part of the account creation process for new Bnet users.