3 heroes who needs buffs most atm

Give Lucio something

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No one ever mentioned Torb or Bastion? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, and the Lifeweaver release has been an unmitigated disaster. There’s a fundamental flaw in his design that hopefully they’ll address, but I’m not holding my breath.

Also, Roadhog already has a rework coming. They dumpstered him a few months ago with the promise that a rework was coming. I guess they forgot.

Bastion is a PERFECT example of what I mean about OP heroes suppressing another hero. Bastion is actually pretty decent. Except for Hanzo and Genji being in so many games. Both heroes pretty hard counter Bastion. You pretty much have to switch if either (or worse, both) are on the enemy team unless you want to spend the entire match at a massive disadvantage.

Last dev interviews I saw they said they were still working on him. My guess is it will be start of next season, probably.

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if they buff her i’m going to quit permanently

Didn’t the devs just say that LW had some of the highest heal numbers of support? I agree that his damage is pretty low, but it is very easy to get 10k per 10 min heals (without healbotting).

He’s performing badly and they don’t seem to know how to shift his numbers around to make him viable as-is.

LW’s heal numbers are deceptive. Nobody really focuses him anymore, and he can stand on a petal and just slowly heal anyone he likes during a team fight, but outside of his ult, he doesn’t have enough healing to save anyone.

As a consequence, he usually dies last and gets a lot of uncontested healing at a paltry 50 hp/s.


That varied by rank. At lower ranks, yes. But he drops relative as you go up tiers.

But it is not just his heal per min that matters. It is the reactive healing that he lacks. Most of the other support have more reactive heals. There is a delay on LW that makes him less able to compete.

Which is another factor.

To put it another way.
My concern with him is that he has to much utility in grip and platform.

Right now, he is pretty easy to just overwhelm, either not having the burst to keep someone up or being just dove himself. This makes him bad no matter how much utility he has. But once you change that, let him be competitive with the other supports in that, and suddenly the utility makes him a must pick.

Maybe I am wrong. I hope I am. But I am really worried that he will spend a lot of time in trash tier, get some buffs that make him OP, everyone hates it and he gets kicked back to trash. Kind of like the Bastion situation in OW1, where they can’t make him viable without making him THE pick.

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Mercy could be buffed if they removed Damage Boost. She completely changes the balance of the game by being in it; she shouldn’t be good enough to be picked over other Supports.

Definitely agree with this

Most the time, shooting at the enemy with another support will deal more DPS than a +30% damage boost. Only problematic burst damage breakpoint that damage boost enables right now is Sojourn Railgun, which could be fixed by completely removing the head-shot multiplier from it (Railgun is currently at 1.5x for head-shots).

Sojourn is one of those few heroes I actually wish gets completely dumpstered and never sees any playtime. It might be a toxic mindset but she deserves it. I’d also add Genji, Kiriko and WB to that list. :no_mouth:

Lifeweaver might need a tiny buff, but nothing too crazy. Hog is getting a rework next season, so he’s fine as he is right now. Sojurn doesn’t need any changes. She’s to right where she should be

LW needs buffs, Hog needs buffs or rework at this point, Sojourn should get strength redestribution from ult to better left-click. Her ult is busted but her gun is pretty weak. You can see pocketed Sojourn dominate but alone she is pretty underwhelming outside of ultimate. Very similar to Genji.

for dps only i think it would be mei and bastion…still have to be careful since they are strong in right situations. they could always overbuff the two and yea… will be mega nerfed later

sym is always a good candidate for a buff but i think she is pretty good on a lot of maps. another hero that can be overbuffed and if she sees playtime in the owl then expect a quick nerf like the next day

it sucks if the sombra rework goes through. i actually think she is really good and balanced. sees playtime in the owl and is good on 500 ladders. not the best but she fits a really good niche. only reason i think the rework will suck is that blizzard is notorious for reworking a hero into the gutter

Sure, but that requires skill. Jokes aside, the reason Mercy is a problem isn’t because she’s broken, it’s because other characters have to be balanced around her to NOT be broken. If Mercy can change the balance of the game like that, she CAN’T be good enough to warrant picking consistently.

Please put a “/s” in your posts. Sarcasm is hard to read. Especially when it comes to Genji.

LW literally does nothing but heal bot.

I find I can turn the tide in a 1v1 but outside that I regularly have about a third the healing of my other support unless I’m completely uncontested :thinking: even then my offence numbers are order of magnitude less…

If I am contested, I really can’t do anything except throw a petal and hope the enemy doesn’t get on too. The damage is equally inconsistent and weak meaning making it kinda useless outside of spamming at a Tank on the off chance I don’t have to start charging a heal :roll_eyes:

The weapon swap is awkward and both his thorns and flowers aren’t really worth swapping too and his abilities, while strong, aren’t strong enough to warrant him not having a decent primary/secondary…

Rather than having to swap weapons, I think it would be less clunky to have the thorns always active and the flower to charge up constantly without having to swap to it, then you just fire it off when it’s ready and spam thorns (thorns are terrible but at least it wouldn’t feel as terrible). Also make the stupid petal platform go down if no one is on it. So many times it’s triggered by people who don’t even notice it or want to use it :roll_eyes:

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