3 heroes that just ruins your mood, change my mind

  1. Sombra, enough said, poison of the game
  2. Mercy pocketing one dps only being their mommy, its horrible experience for your team and for enemy team too
  3. Widow, last one shot in the game, i feel like 50% of my all deaths are from widow headshot lol

From what i know, this is not unpopular opinion at all and ow would be better place if these 3 were adjusted


Usually itā€™s whatever characters people are playing on my team when the game is over and they only have 5 eliminations to show for 10-15 minutes of game time

Those arenā€™t the ones that ruin my moodā€¦

There is no hero in OW that ruins my mood actually

Man imagine if all those players mains just stopped playing. :joy: catastrophic. Mercy players alone. But then the only sniper and the stealth/rogue players who normally main widow too. Game just lost like 15% of the player base. :joy:

Sombra- the rogue of ow2 with her no fun allowed ability
Widowmaker- match startsā€¦wonder if the enemy team have a Widowā€¦ after respawningā€¦yep they have Widow
Mei- the embodiment of evil that plays for your team and the enemy team at the same time


thatā€™s a bold claim, Iā€™ll say the only one that actually makes me angry is Sombra because itā€™s such a lazy choice and most do the exact same thing. the rest are manageable and anyone else that upsets me usually is just pure skill diff, which I canā€™t be mad at.

Mercy is annoying at all times.

The other 2 are only annoying in very rare cases. When you know they are there, they become less of a problem if you try to avoid them but there is nothing you can do about mercy without getting the attention of everyone else in the process.

pocket mercyā€™s are probably one of the most hated characters in game. Every time I see one on one person at all times, Iā€™m just instantly annoyed -_-


Yeah the solo ulting mercys trend is so satisfying

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I try not to let what other people do bother me. Why give them that control?

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Kinda depends on what hero I wanna play. Winston is my favorite. Bastion, Dva, Mauga, Reaper, and Hog ruin my mood pretty often, lol.

OPs top choices are Winston food, heh.

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  1. doomfist - if heā€™s on my team he throws, if heā€™s on the enemy team then Iā€™m getting hit by a CC ability every 5 seconds. Just doesnā€™t fit into the game
  2. Ana - it takes 0 skill to make a tank sleep for half the map and unable to heal for the other half
  3. Junkrat - He used to be number one before they got rid of the one-shot combo, but steel trap and riptire are still cheap no-skill oneshots and dying to either 1 time is enough to ruin an entire 20 minute match
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I do this with Pharah all the time, ainā€™t no way Iā€™m letting that go lolololol

Zarya, I play junkerqueen and it absolutely sucks to go against her. She isnā€™t broken or annoying her presence just means I have to sweat and possibly swap instead of playing the incredibly fun hyper aggressive queen of the arena.

Spamzo, donā€™t care that he canā€™t one shot me anymore I still get bursted down by random arrows that werenā€™t even aimed at me, and he still absolutely melts tanks effortlessly.

Mei, gotta love getting slowed, frozen and walled off.

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Ana is wild, but I do see quite a few just play DPS, same with Illari, Bap, and Moira, but typically their teams lose as a result, so win win imo

Orisa, Sojourn, Hanzo

I hate all three of them

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Iā€™m sure you love a power boosted Sojourn then lol because thatā€™s honestly as awful as a boosted Soldier

More than you can imagine :pensive:

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Widow, Orisa, Doom.

None of them are fun to play with or against. You just resign yourself to getting through the game when you see them.

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ORISA- Enough said

Ana- instant 90 splash damage and -%100 heals

Kiri- Shuzu still too good.

4th honorable mention
Doom- punch 4 second cool down is way too short