3 Diamonds and a Gold

Sorry, this shouldn’t be an available stacking scenario in comp. It just shouldn’t.

And even if it is, they shouldn’t be against a group of 5 plats and a solo queuing diamond.


I see your hand and raise you with:


Ikr the matchmaking up here is so broken. And at the end it doesn’t even take you less SR for losing an unfair match (like it should do)… My last win before master was literally a GM carrying us cus they only had a master.

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There really needs to be a “Pony up” method here because this is rough buddy. If the lowest party in the group wants to be in the group, they’re gonna have to face mostly people in the same rank as the high person. If they have >1 rank above someone else that should raise read flags, let alone when there’s 3 people 2 ranks above the lowest ranked member.

Enough with the averaging when it comes to stacks with different ranks and big SR gaps. Averaging means that groups like gold+plat+diamond can be playing in low plat, or that a group of 5 plats has to go against 3 diamonds and their gold healer. If they want to play with the big dogs they should have to play with the big dogs.


You should only be able to group with people in an adjacent rank.

Gold can group with silver OR platinum, not both.

Bronze can group with bronze and/or silver.

Diamond can group with masters OR platinum, but not both.

Basically, I think ~500 SR difference should be the limit


The other thing is…unranked people shouldnt be able to group up with ranked people, as that will throw off their placements ever so slightly.


I’d agree if placements actually placed you, but as they are they just put you close to where you ended last season.

I don’t think this is as big a deal as diamonds grouping with golds. Personally I want them to get rid of placements as they are now. If you played last season then you just start where you left off. If you were gone for several seasons then you get an MMR/SR reset and have actual placements to see how good you are now.

A man can dream though… a man can dream

The problem lies in something different :smiley: A gold healer isn’t necessary throwing in dia, cause mercy as example is fairly easy to play, so the Gold will actually compete with the numbers of the plat in this match up. Ana and Zen would have more problems in this scenario. Jayne did a Ana in Silver and let her play in a GM match, you know what? The ones with the silver won, thats due to healers being vastly easier to adapt and don’t need that mega high of skill to get good enough results. He said, that Ana could easily play in Plat-Dia, but yet he is silver :wink:

I know from experience it is far, far harder to avoid diamond DPS than Gold DPS.

It’s seriously a different game. A gold Mercy, who’s actually gold, would probably do bad in a diamond game (as in they are the only gold or one of two golds)

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And yet a silver ana won a game in gm :wink:

A first time placement though, is more what I mean. If someone has a smurf and they place for the very first time with friends it will alter their starting MMR/SR

Thats actually bannable btw :smiley: Blizzard stated that to Stevoo. Cause thats the SR Manipulation about Smurfing

500 SR should the maximum allowed in all ranks… on GM 250 etc

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A single example doesn’t excuse the entire practice my dude.

NTM the fact of the matter the hardest role to climb in is…healer. Hands down.

Just wanna toss in that there needs to be a limit on doing placements as well.

I’ll never forget the time I played against 2 Bronze’s and a Silver in a Platinum game because they queued up with an unranked Diamond. I felt really bad for the poor 2 randoms that got thrown into their team.

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Then they should be playing in Diamond games, not plat. It got them an MMR collectively low enough to be in a 2800~ game.

This is why I said the pony up system. If you want to play with the big dogs you should go play with the big dogs and rank up there if you can, instead of letting them sink down to play with plats to help you climb.


had a placement game against a masters tracer in a duo with a genji (low diamond high plat elo game btw) and my team had a 3 stack with 2 mercy one tricks in maybe mid plat. yay matchmaking. worse than quickplay

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thats the reason why :slight_smile: cause they don’T have that huge of a impact.

ah so you ment that only the highest SR is the base for a group?

But… Placements arent real.

And some people have friends they want to play with.

That said, as the goldylocks that was playing with a 2800-2900 yesterday, id be perfectly fine with it using the highest common denominator of a group and facing off against those at higher ranks.

Edit: so like if i was a 6 stack of 3 bronze and 3 gold, id rather go up against a 6 golds than 6 silvers.

Basically, if you have a group with more than 1 rank, ie plats and golds, gold plat diamond…your matches should be in the highest rank instead of the average of your ranks. Have masters and a diamond? that match has to take place in masters. have plats diamonds and golds? That match will be in diamond.

It should be punishing to players who aren’t good enough to play at those ranks instead of punishing players in the middle with much higher skill enemies, and it would wholly stop the boosting nonsense in its tracks.