2nd worst matchmaking ever

I don’t know about that man… :skull:
Someone playing at Plat level would NOT get stuck in Bronze, same how a GM would not get stuck in Diamond

Well considering I have an account that is hardstuck bronze that can’t escape that gets reported every match for “smurfing”, I’m inclined to disagree. Believe me, I don’t want it to be there, but when you have people throwing and leaving every match while getting matched up against smurfs and other people trying to escape because your MMR is high… well it is what it is.

The community looks down and laughs at bronze. They don’t care about bronze opinions.

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I fail to see how when teams have an average MMR that is close to each other the games will be more stompy. Ultimately, teams have to have a relatively close average sr, so regardless of what your MMR is, if your sr is lower than your skill then games will be tipped in your favor.

No you don’t.

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In his defense (not that I really agree with him) there are plenty of bot accounts that are deranked to bronze so that smurfs can purchase them and use them for climbing.

But I can’t possibly imagine that there’s still that large of a Masters/GM smurf population. By now, most good players have given up and moved on.

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Yeah I guess you could find higher elo smurfs there but people generally smurf two ranks below their main. You’re significantly better than the people in that elo but it doesn’t feel like playing against bots. Playing in bronze even as a diamond player is so boring that you’ll virtually never see any.
But to say that players better than plat get stuck in bronze literally never happens.


You do but its extremely rare.


Unless they’re being paid to boost :sweat_smile:

Haha… I know…

People and their emotions :yawning_face:


Sounds like a you problem.

Actually it’s your fault for making a claim that makes absolutely no sense, with no basis.

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The basis is me. Your complete inability to even fathom the legitimacy of it is only proof that you have no insight into the matter. You probably only ever touch one bracket.

So I gotta imagine the proof. cool.

Overwatch’s matchmaking takes too long and gives unfair matches because of ALGORITHMIC HANDICAPPING (MMR).