Rework/Rebalance heroes and a lot of people would complain. Rework/Rebalance maps and only few would complain. Heroes have fans, maps not so much.
Creating those inflammatory threads don’t make you look smarter than people that don’t want forced 2-2-2 role queue.
They may create the same kind of thread with “2-2-2 WiLL hELp Me cLimB iN rAnkEd” or “nO MoRe 4 dPs iN mY gAmeS”.
On top of that, writing like this is just stupid. Those who are against this 2-2-2 role queue have their reasons and they’re very easy to understand. Forcing a system that wasn’t there at the beginning might create a lot of issues as it doesn’t fit the way the game was created.
There are tons of threads that explain it very well but I take it you don’t care at all about those since you’d rather mock people that have a different opinion than you instead of using interesting arguments.
This thread is flagged, as far as I’m concerned. Bye.
The reason for creativity is silly anyway. People said the same thing when it was no limit to the number of same heroes. Besides, there are 21 possible combinations for healers ,120 for dps and 21 for tanks. If you combine the possibilities, you will get tons of variations.
The game is getting bigger anyway, next hero is on the line. So we are gonna get more creative combinations.
I haven’t played comp in months because of how toxic and how the play style is currently about wishing you get a better goats than the other team.
Like 6 stacks. It will hurt them. But I and many others don’t care too much probably.
I see 3 2 1 comps winning as often as not, winning against 2 2 2
Personally, since we dont get to see yhe map before we queue, 2 2 2 wont cut it. I can only play certain roles on certain maps. Any team that gets me as a tank on KOTH is going to suffer, and theres nothing anyone can do about it
Yeah because this is such a huge problem on ladder anyway lol. Also maybe it’s just me but to a certain extent the alternating cApS thing is…I get it, but there is such a thing as too much.
ThErE’s nO sUcH tHiNg aS tOo mAnY aLtErNaTiNg CaPs tHeBrOsEpH95
yOuR’e jUsT bEiNg sIlLy
aLsO DvA iS bEsT gIrL
^ This
And 2 supports and 1 tank is often better than 2 tanks and 1 support.
sMh yOu dIdN’t aLtErNaTe CaPs oN tHe 95 iN mY nAmE. fOr ShAmE.
I flex to heroes I’m “good” at, for example, if I can swap from Pharah to D.Va it doesn’t really affect how I perform aside from team synergy and how I interact with counters (which is frequently why I swap in the first place). However, if I was to swap from Pharah to Widow, Doomfist, Genji, Junkrat, etc., there would be a massive difference, as I haven’t really spent that much time with those heroes.
I have 2 - 4 heroes per role I play at a somewhat similar level, and if I had to queue for a specific role I can definitely see myself having to fill to my “bad” heroes more often because I’d have my best heroes for each type of comp spread out in different roles which would be inaccessible in that particular match.
This is the main demographic I was getting at yeah, my demographic actually.
I’m a bit worried. If it were soft role lock (2-2-2 locked, but able to swap between roles as players switch off) I’d be ok with it. It allows players like myself and friends who are proficient with heroes across roles to switch up heroes, should the ones we’re running and skilled with cease to be effective in the current scenario.
But odds are it’ll be a hard role lock across the board and make things difficult and not reward flexing due to the potential for new role based SR systems we’ve been hearing about.
I’m sorry too you. Because out of all players that do lose from 2-2-2 it’s those that actually coordinate currently. 2-2-2 really is a solution for solo q players. That’s really the only valid argument against 2-2-2. 6 stacks lose in the end.
Honestly if it hit comp great, but the mode that actually needs it is quickplay honestly. I’m shocked it hit OWL only so far.
Wait is 2-2-2 OWL official?
For round 4 it is…
Ah gotcha, haven’t been keeping up this season.
This is exactly what I was talking about. You don’t want 2-2-2, you want 1-1-1-1-1-1 and when that still doesn’t work you’ll be demanding more and more restriction until only 6 characters are playable.
Anyone who thinks the opposite opinion is just “nOnSeNsIcAl aRgUmEnTs WrItTeN LiKe ThIs” doesn’t even understand said opinion enough to warrant any sort of debate. Preach to the like-minded OP.
Blizz pls just release more tanks and supports so people have more options to choose heroes from these roles. 3-3 metas have to get more variety.
Releasing 3 heroes per year will take a long time.
Role lock doesn’t prevent me from going on an alt and flexing to a role I don’t play. It also won’t prevent me from having 5 people that would prefer to play dps, and now the system will require a dps boi to play a role he doesn’t play. 2-2-2 is a trash comp. Regardless, gotta have role based matchmaking to go with a role lock. This is not something they mentioned.
A lot of toxicity often comes as a result of people being forced onto roles they can’t or don’t want to play, or due to nobody wanting to play a certain role so people tilt because there are no/only one tanks/support (or in very rare cases dps lol). While 2-2-2 won’t fix toxicity (literally nothing every will), it should actually reduce it by a certain amount.