2200 Mccree Gameplay

9WR89E: Replay Code
If theres anything I should try to improve on generally then that would be great to know. I hate looking at some of the videos on youtube because there’s never enough personalized info for my own gameplay. So, if there’s too much rolling, reloading, flicking, etc,. please let me know in the comments.

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Sorry that I cannot help since I am not a DPS player, but am bumping this topic so hopefully it gets more views and you receive the help you are looking for. :slight_smile:

I don’t play DPS but I’ll bump

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The first thing I noticed is that you seem to always hold down the fire button.

You’re tracking enemies like you’re playing Soldier or Tracer.

You should probably take each shot individually. Like, 1 click per shot. That can help you focus. Each bullet is important.

To practice hitting Pharahs, you can use the custom game code AJERA for an updated practice range. There’s a place where you can spawn a Pharmercy to practice on.

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what up moods!

i see you always posting for vod reviews for dps a bunch with little to no avail (from what i’ve seen) so i’m gonna do my best to help you. i normally don’t do dps vods but i’ll give a shot at it.

round 1
  • normally with supports or tanks, i say what your role will be within the comp, however i mean as a dps it’s basically as straight as it gets. so it’ll be better for me to describe your fit. with a pharmercy you will be getting healing more from your bap (hi daxghost!). rein/zar mccree is a comp that normally plays closer together and bap’s healing will treat that very well.
  • now you look up and see that the enemy team has a pharah+mercy as well. you will want to deal with her. if she doesn’t play close you and bap will be your most reliable bets to shut it down. so pharah and mercy will be big priorities for you.
  • i like this little sequence where you stun the rein and kill the cree. be thankful for your zarya and bap being there though. if mccree hits that stun or has any sense of aim you’re more likely to die. but, mccree and zar were pinched and didn’t have good target priority, so you’re saved.
  • i was impressed with your pharah two tap! however, you will want to use your flash there to deny rez rather than push forward on the ana right away. in a situation like this where you have already won the fight it’s fine but it’s more crucial if it’s say a 6v5. you will want to deny rez and limit their chance for it to become an equal fight.
  • you died as your team capture first point because you fed a little. that corner is kinda a rough one because the enemies have such a clean angle on you. a way you could have prevented this better is rotating to your left right away. you had a better chance of killing mccree right away. also, it’s not likely that enemies returning from spawn will come out that right door where you were shooting the reinhardt if they are trying to contest. as soon as you saw the rein there, i would have rotated back to cart or over to the left.
  • another thing too, in this same sequence: fanning pharah won’t bode well as she is an airborne hero (generally) so there will be some distance between you and her shots, which fanning may miss some of them. instead, you will want to either try and aim for the head after you stun, or (a little more advanced technique) stun her, animation cancel and fire a quick shot, and then you’ll have another shot to fire at the ready. you have a good chance of getting her low too.
  • as you die, you may have seen that the enemy has switched to d.va. this is probably due to the fact you are running a pharah. you will want to limit her and force out her defense matrix. she also has a pharah on her team. one of the things that makes a good d.va is her peel. she will want to peel for her pharah when she barrages, mccree when he high noons, and for her rein to take off some pressure. defense matrix is her most useful ability and you, as mccree, whose shots and stun WILL get eaten by a defense matrix, need to bait it out, or limit her impact.
  • like pharah, when she is being played alongside mercy, mercy is also going to be in the air a lot. it’s not worth using your stun as often against them. it’s a moderate-high risk, low reward play because of the distance between you two. and for it to be really effective you have to have really good aim and a good feel for your sens, that way you can get a pick out of it easy.
  • high noon and self destruct (as an analogous example) are ults which normally don’t work in some places, but normally secure a pick or two when playing against a pharah mercy. that’s why your high noon worked so well. so good job understanding that.
  • your rein definitely could’ve blocked that shatter, pretty much the reason your team lsot that fight there. that’s not on you.
  • you fed a little and died again at 3:32. you should have stayed behind that wall and just faced the mccree. ana killed you and you gave her the angle to. mercy also could’ve stuck with you a little bit but you can’t count on that all the time playing with a pharah, and especially because you are leading in that lonesome path by yourself you are that first “line of defense.”
  • the peel for the pharah ult at 3:52 is exactly what i’m talking about with d.va. you honestly probably could have killed pharah a fragment of a second before d.va came in with defense matrix. it’s a spur of the moment thing so i won’t be too harsh about it, but this should be an easier punish in higher ranks.
  • your aim was a bit sloppy around 4:10. i don’t know if it would’ve turned the fight but if you secure that pharah kill, hold your flash and stun mercy after, and then fan the hammer or headshot kill, you would’ve had three in that fight right there and put your team in a better position coming back. kinda unfortunate that your mercy left you too.
  • this is another example of the d.va peel at 5:27. you killed the pharah after, but she just saved her team from a 2k from your high noon.
  • that was as much as a good eat by their d.va as it was a bad grav from your zarya. not much that can be done for you right there.
round 2
  • you did well on your first engagement coming back into it, but you have to be more aware. you watching the main spawn path while the rest of your team is over by stairs puts your team at a huge disadvantage. but you and your team cleaned up fairly well.
  • i feel like your ult was a bit preemptive. it seemed very forced, especially because the enemy was already closing in a position where they were backing out of the effective LOS of your ult. if anything it helped zone. high noon isn’t the greatest ult in general (in my opinion) and serves more with zoning as you rank up, but i think with the way you used your ult its only purpose was to zone and it wasn’t the most effective. side note: your team really over committed on that fight. using three ults to win it to their zero, it’s not a very good fight win for your team. all that was needed was probably visor.
  • you gave up your high ground position to fight against the winston on point and got yourself antied because of it. rein doesn’t get as much support as well as being caught in the anti. if you stay on high ground, you have a better chance of helpiing your team in that situation. you also have an easy rotation back towards your team if they apply pressure and you get to low health.
  • i was a bit confused about your second high noon because it seemed a bit preemptive but it worked out nicely in the end. if you were trying to just get reaper in it at first, you will want to bait out wraith. that’s just a general strategy if you are dueling against reaper. pressure him and force out his wraith form.
  • you see that they have an echo now, so it’s very similar to how it was before with a pharah. now your team is on double hitscan so it’ll take more pressure off of you to deal with the echo but you will still need to challenge her.

overall i feel like you played alright. i think you had some very good showings and spurts in this game and that shows some promise, but this was a very streaky game for you. while your aim is alright, it could be a little better, and as you get better you can start to incorporate some of the more advanced mechanics, such as the animation cancel, stun-headshot, etc.

your positioning at times was a little weird. your target priority was fine too, but the execution lacked a bit.

TylerG mentioned this above, but yes go to that workshop code and use it for pharmercy. it’ll be huge for you if you can consistently hit shots on their airborne targets.

i hope this was helpful to you, as much as im not that much of a dps player :slight_smile:


You have some of the best tips to give. Thank you so much. I really don’t want to be stuck in an elo-hell where I get tilted off the start of the game and end up blaming my teammates. Instead, I would like to get better at my favorite character (Mccree) and play against matchups much better. This really helps a lot and hopefully, next time I ask for a VOD review I’ll be higher up in the ranks. Thanks so much!!!


aye man, no problem! i’m glad that i can help you a bit! never be afraid to send a vod review in. i’m always willing to help and give an extra set of eyes to someone’s play :slight_smile:


From someone whos been from bronze500 upto masters, do not believe in elo hell! It’s not real, you might feel like it is sometimes, but it’s literally in your head, with slight, and I do mean slight, improvements you will climb faster than you can count.