20gb patch?! Are you kidding me?

This patch better contain Ashe and A LOT of other stuff… What even is this? Has anyone updated already?

maybe read the forums before creating this topic


This patch completely reinstalls the game.


well yea there was this update you could install since last week so the big update today woudnt take long.

you didnt install it then?


And maybe you could actually write a constructive reply instead of that…? :man_shrugging:t2:

they said it days in advance… its on you if you missed that


it is constructive, all the information you need is on the forums, like the top topics


I didn’t even get 20gb patch but 6gb yesterday… I’m sitting here confused


So am I, such a huge patch out of the blue?

lol wut? Its been all over the place that it requires a full game install…

It’s an optimization patch. The games been updated for over two years and it was starting to get bloated so blizzard did some work on the games foundation that requires a full reinstall.

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Same /20charactersokay

The background update reduces the time to download the current patch.
I got the BG download yesterday too… Current patch took like 30 seconds to download.

Does anyone not see the forums tag at the top? It’s been known for awhile that 1.30 reinstalls the game unless you already downloaded PTR…

Probably looots of background stuff for that update Jeff mentioned.

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It’s pretty much a bran new engine.

I know this, but yesterday’s download was literally only 6gb.

It’s like it never reinstalled OW on battlenet and idk why.

No I’ve never downloaded ptr.

I’m on Xbox so maybe that’s why. Also I had no idea there was going to be a huge patch like this one, has it been said anywhere?

It actually did uninstall/reinstall, but it did it in the form of that update.

I didn’t download the ptr either.

Yeah they announced it, and even pinned it at the top of the forum page.

For me it was a very small patch, took maybe a minute.