2020 Overwatch League Streaming & Rewards Guide - Info about Grand Finals problems here

i hope you are getting tokens; cuz i’m not :confused:

same… I tried again but nothing :((

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I haven’t gotten any either. Every time I go to the owl website I clear my cache and cookies, reset permissions, log out and back in, and I still haven’t gotten any this weekend. Hopefully they’ll drop all at once tonight. I got them last week

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Got around 40 by the end of the last game, still logged in on OWL (logged out and stayed out of forums), lost the live feed after some buffering problems that lowered the quality to 360p but refreshed and got it back.

If you were still logged in on the forums, it might have logged you out of OWL like it did with me a few days ago, I refreshed or opened the schedule on the website and I was quietly logged out.
I don’t know why this has started recently as I was able to flip to the forums during game breaks without any problems :thinking:

I don’t know what the heck. When I watched in the app then I got tokens.

Then I still tried to watch from PC chrome, did all troubleshoot, cleared cache and cookies, signed in and turned on stream and went to sleep. Now ran the game and no tokkens!!! Again. I don’t know what is that. For all this time I lost about 100 tokens because of that buggy system…

:rage: :-1:

CeilingJeff was watching you sleep duing the games and said NO TOKUNZ4U

hmmm said i was still logged on and i had http requests going out to the tracker websites. But overall during the entire weekend i have not received ( roughly calculated though ) about 50-60 tokens. Also weird: i just started overwatch and received another 20 tokens. Not sure what that delay was about :stuck_out_tongue: but all in all i cant be too frustrated i think, only missed 30-40 tokens.

wait your tokens received ? how long it takes ?

Sometimes missing Tokens appear out of nowhere even days after the stream.

Got some this Monday about 24 hours later.

Watched all the games over the weekend, got no tokens.


i love how there’s a 19 step troubleshooting process instead of just

well i don’t know


mine is got about 2 days I guess
but nothing yet

normally instantly after an hour of stream - but for like the first matches on both days (morning & evening )i didnt get anything, which is like mmmm 50-60 tokens worth ? after logging in tonight i got 20 tokens, but dno why those were delayed

well sounds good… finally u got them

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I got 40 from watching the NA tournament finals live and then 10 more showed up a day or two after out of nowhere, there might’ve been a slight delay for some people, no idea why.

already got drops for the first match of today, let’s hope all goes well tonight and rest of the weekend :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope it works for you, might as well get some tokens saved for the next All Stars or MVP skin after the season is over.

yea im trying to farm them as much as i can ; i’m already at 969 :slight_smile:

Apparently All-Stars is August 27th and there’s gonna be two skins for it, so you’ve got 400 for those if you like them enough, save 200 for MVP and Finals winner skins too and you should be good :slight_smile:

ok nice but i want some Paris skins as well, will need about 1200 tokens so still a lot more to go :stuck_out_tongue:

Well the Paris skins will always be there, I’d save for the limited time stuff personally but good luck to your grind, two matches in two hours so I’m gonna log off until tomorrow, enjoy the games :slight_smile: