2016 player returns

Hi, I am an old player from the original overwatch, I would like to ask, as it seems much more difficult to rank, how do you overcome your teammates losing you the game, SO often.

I am carrying, I will make a swap when beneficial, to whatever. Yet, its just not possible in some close games to come out with the win, despite a heroic effort that leaves everyone stunned. Typically i have 5 or less deaths, around 30 to 50 kills in these matches. Not everymatch mind you, but I am trying to rank up at this point, bc I am bored as hell with bronze through plat. I was masters in 2016, and the gameplay is boring now. Noone is ult comboing, 99% of the time, and its hard to carry the dps and the tanks as healer.

Can anyone recommend something i can do that im potentially overlooking? Or, is Overwatch 2 just a different beast entirely?


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I bet you a team of todays golds could defeat a 2016 master.

there’s just too many new maps and heros and even the hero’s you don’t know have been reworked or slowly changed in ways that make them new to you.

Put in the hours to climb.

Next I don’t think it takes much longer to climb now than it did in 2016. Even though we don’t have a visible SR the rank system pretty much works the same if you think about it it’s just displayed in a terrible way now… i’ll save text and not bother explaining the differences though but basically

if you just assume for the sake of argument every single game of OW will either win you 20% or lose you 20% (it can be higher or lower with modifiers like win streaks or uphill battle etc) but just take 20% per win/loss ok?

Now go look at your current win rate and let’s say for the sake of discussion it’s 55%.

If you play 200 games (again for sake of simplicity and discussion let’s say every game is 15 minutes of IRL time including que time, match time and re-queing for next match) that’s 50 IRL hours of your time. If you maintained 55% win rate for that whole 50 hours and 200 games you are up a total of 10 games so if you were let’s say silver 5… those 10 games you won made you silver 3 now.

If you play 50 hours a week at that rate for an entire season you will rank up from silver 5 to you will probably only make it to plat at best and this assumes the entire season you didn’t reach your plateau and your win rate never dipped down to 50% where it belongs.

You need to have actual meaningful breakthroughs in your gameplay to rank up quickly. Most people are where they should be so their win rates are +/- 50% so their rank never really changes much over a season - but if you really are a master player in bronze/plat lobbies I see no reason for you to eventually climb back to masters once you get a feel for the new heros/maps and new metas.

Thats my two cents

1 less player means your actions contribute more to a win/loss but also the 4 other player’s actions contribute more to a win/loss

If you have bad teammates there is literally nothing you can do to swing the game in your favour. Its impossible because statistically everything is working against you

1 leaver or thrower has more of a negative impact on your match since they now make up 1/5 of the team compared to 1/6 in ow1

The best way to climb in ow2 is just play lots and get lucky. The more you play the more likely you are to climb. No player putting in less than 10 hrs a season is getting very far because in those 10hrs you will likely only go up a net 25sr after you sift through all the leavers and thrower games.

You have to sink in 100+ hrs a season to even move the needle. Thats why streamers are some of the top players because they play all day everyday. Most people sit at 50-52% win rate. So even after 100 games you probably only have gone up 25-50sr more than you lost. You have to sink 1000’s of matches in to actually move your rank

Even if you have a 55% win rate which is super high and unrealistic. After 100 games you will have only gone up ~100sr.