20+ min queue times and less than 10k viewers on Twitch

Can we finally admit that role queue was a mistake? Or are we still going to defend this


The big mistake was releasing a new tank this beta, a DPS the prev. and leaving Support in the dust… everyone wants to try the new shiny toys, while support is nearly the same except more running for your life.


Making some of the roles suck was a mistake. We didn’t always have such awful DPS queue times in roleQ.

The problem isn’t roleQ.

It is like saying you hate how the heater in your house doesn’t work well, when you have all the doors and windows open in winter.

It isn’t the heater. Sure, you are not warm, and the heater is meant to warm you, but it isn’t the heater which is broken here.

Overwatch works if the non DPS queues are fun to play. But there is a lot of DPS players seem hell bent on making queue times as awful for themselves as possible.

Obviously they love the queue times, since they work hard to get and keep them like they are.


You see the DPS want to dominate the matches with their skill, and make it so supports can’t heal or do ANYTHING that stops them from getting their kills, and they hate tanks because they make shields and have other defensive abilities, so just remove everything from supports and tanks, aannnndd why is no one wanting to play anymore?


I just don’t get this. Why wouldn’t the playerbase gravitate towards Open Queue if RQ was a mistake?

We have the power to make that choice. KR did. If everyone did then they’d get rid of RQ


Yeah, you see the number of people saying “well the support players should just leave if they don’t want to play the game like it now is” - they think there will be a bunch of people lining up to replace them.

That will work as well as the tank players who lined up to replace the tanks which left in OW1.

I have to guess these people are just not all that bright, and haven’t thought though the problem at all.

If the game sucks of a section of the player base, they won’t play. The fix is to make it not suck for them.

I mean, who knew right?

It is super weird when people are all “OpenQ is doesn’t have glaring issues” like they are trying to convince people who have actually played openQ, and know the issues it has.

It isn’t like we haven’t played openQ, and have seen the issues ourselves.


Funny thing is, once some people go to OQ you get posts like “Limit the amount of tanks”, “No one plays healer” Kinda of proving why RQ was implemented in the first place.


The biggest mistake was Brig.


If they just nerfed Tracer, they wouldn’t have needed Brig in the first place.

Like place the problem at the source if you are going to complain about Brig. She was built for a reason.


Because the game is balanced for RQ and treats OQ like a red headed step child. Make the game balanced around OQ and make it so you aren’t required to have 2 tanks and 2 healers to succeeded and people won’t whine for more tanks and healers.


it’s not role queue, it’s that they spent years advertising a ‘brand new game’ that’s really the same game with a few small tweaks. Completely stopping development for OW1 because of OW2, then having OW2 be essentially a lackluster expansion pack is why no one cares about this game anymore.


She’s still the problem and yes she was built for a reason and it was a mistake.

they would never have nerfed the poster girl. even the “nerf” she has now is teensy compared to the in/direct ones for heroes like reaper and sym


If you didn’t fix the reason she was needed to be created, you would be forced to create her.

If you didn’t build Brig, Tracer would still existed, and would still a huge issue.

Like, you would still have to deal with Tracer. If not with nerfs, you would have to build a support which was broken enough to deal with her.

So you would end up making Brig again.

It really was a choice of nerf Tracer or make a Brig like hero.

Blizzard didn’t want to nerf Tracer, so we got Brig.


So you agree she’s the point that started the downfall of OW.

And of course the other two roles get carry potential in more than 2 of their options!

It’s a beta with unequal content between the roles but let’s ignore that because role queue bad


High queue times have been a problem since the beginning of role queue.

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This is also the reason I think mystery hero lost it’s fun. It’s balanced for RQ so it’s not balanced for multiple tanks or dps anymore.

When one team gets a team that unbalanced in the good way it’s lowkey over unless the team somehow screws up or the other one gets lucky.

See they said they made Symm’s rework so she’d fit more for this new 5v5 comp yet she’s worse than before. It’s like they said yo this character can’t be good.

Also for role queue, can’t wait for them to go 4v4 and try and make 1 OP healer per team since no one wants to play that role anymore.


Why does people want to remove role Q? If they complain about the toxicity now they certainly weren’t there when it was only open Q LOL

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